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I just tested the whole day the MIDI IO Module with my STM32F4-Core-Module.


First thing i tried was to display incoming midi messages with the 003_debug_messages tutorial. I connected the midi-out of my synthesizer to the midi-in of the midi-module and then the j1-interface of the midi-module to the j11e -interface of the core module. Playing some notes on the synthesizer didnt result in anything.

Then i connected the midi-out of the synthesizer via an midi-usb-cable directly to my mac and started the mac-midi-monitor -> saw the incoming messages.


Then i tried to send some messages via the core module + midi io module. For this, i connected again the core-module to the midi module (j11e to j1) and then from the midi-out either 1) to the mac-book via a midi-usb-cable or 2) to the synthesizers midi-in.

After that i updated the 003_debug_messages-tutorial with some code


void APP_Tick(void)
    MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(IIC0, Chn1, 1, 128);



I tried all of the IIC ports, but none of them worked, which means, that i didn't get any messages from the midi-module.

I also tried the iic_midi-troubleshooting code which showd me the following:


IIC1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 NOT available.


i doublechecked all the pins i soldered and they are correct. I also get 4,6 V on the midi-module which should be allright ?!



Anyone got some suggetions how to test the midi-module or how to get it to work ?




Best regards,



Is it possible to communicate with the Core via USB? I haven't built one yet but you also should be able to see the MIDI ports from MIOS. Hardware side: check the orientation of polarized components like diodes and ICs. Did you add the optional MIDI activity circuits?


Yes, I can communicate with the core via usb. the usb gives the power to the core.

The polarized components should be soldered the right way, besides that, the midi out should work even if i would have some soldering-mistakes in those components ?

I didn't add the midi activity circuits/leds

the usb gives the power to the core.


But does it do anything else? Did you upload the correct application? Can you then forward MIDI events to the outputs via MIOS studio?



the midi out should work even if i would have some soldering-mistakes in those components ?


Who knows? You're right though, it's just 2 resistors for MIDI out. Did you try another ribbon cable?


Yes it does do something else

For example the first tutorial works fine on the core. Playing some Notes on the MIOS32 results in a blinking LED on my stm32f4.

So it should also blink, if i play some notes on my synthesizer or my ipad, which is connected via an USB-MIDI cable  to the MIDI-IN of the MIDI IO Module, right ?

Posted (edited)


now they are working... At least one IN and one OUT Port. The other two aren't working...

I can send Notes i played in the MIOS Studio via Midi to my Synthesizer, the debug_message for this port says: 10 in hex, which should be the USB0 port

And when I play notes on the Synth the LED blinks and the debug-messgae says port: 21 . Which should be the UART1 port

This only works for one in and one out port.

Edited by Saschaaa

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