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Single channel DSP box


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A few years ago I cobbled together a custom MIDI-box using materials and expertise provided by this community. It was a great learning experience for me, and got me thinking about the sheer potential of projects in this area. 


I got my Electronics degree last year and have since been weighing up my options for the future. Luckily I received a grant from my University to carry on research into a device I was working on for one of my courses, and just recently I've managed to build a working prototype to demonstrate the concept (photo attached).


The device is essentially a single channel effects box with onboard DSP and a bluetooth chip to enable parameter adjustment via a smartphone app, which I have also made. Part of the inspiration for the device came from my experiences as an avid DAW user. In a DAW such as FL Studio, you have access to a highly powerful mixer interface with the ability to add/remove/mix/reorder effects at the click of a button. My device - which I've dubbed "Jamp" - is essentially a single channel of this mixer in hardware form, with the user interface exported to a smartphone.


So far I've managed to implement 5 band parametric EQ and chorus effects on the DSP while keeping the fidelity acceptable (16 bit at 96KHz), and I'm looking to write more very soon. So far I've only really spoken to guitarists for feedback, so the effects I've included in the roster are tuned accordingly (distortion, compressor, wah-wah etc). I'm utilising a general purpose micro controller rather than a dedicated DSP or FPGA chip as the core, in the hopes of keeping cost and power requirements down. 


Before I put any serious time into further development, I need to get some views from the wider community to help tailor the design appropriately. I am also hoping to source some collaboration with technical aspects of the project, since I'm just running a one man show at the moment. Although I'm learning a lot with regards PCBs/C++/Java I'm also conscious  that my workflows may not be that efficient.


So, I was wondering if you any of you guys would be willing to give some input to the project? Is this something you could see yourselves or others using in a live setting or otherwise? Do you know of any other communities that may be interested in such a device?


I'm willing to answer questions you may have about the device itself, but forgive me if I don't go into too much detail regarding some of the technicals. Thanks in advance for your feedback.


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It was originally just a project I did as part of my degree, but the onus has since shifted into turning it into a sellable product. However I'm finding it hard at the moment to see it developing to that stage.


Just checked out the H9, looks like a pretty impressive piece of kit; the only advantage I can see in my device is the reduced cost. The approach to effects processing is also completely different, H9 uses a single highly complex algorithm whereas mine you build upwards from blocks of simpler effects. I guess from most musicians point of view it is more convenient just to have a single algorithm doing everything straight away rather than having to worry about assembling effects manually

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