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Muting independent drum lines / notes via MIDI?


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I recently finished building my Sequencer. To my big surprise, everything worked immediately, and I am really happy with it so far. I am still learning how to use it, so my question is in regard of its simplest mode, the drum track.


Is it possible to mute individual drum lines / notes in a drum track via MIDI? If so, how would I go about doing that? As is, it is not possible to eg mute the kick at the same time as the bassline (which would be on another track). If that would be possible, I could assign buttons on a MIDI controller to control their mute status.



As a feature suggestion, maybe it would be possible to add a way of handling mutes like on the Elektron Machinedrum, where, if memory serves me correct, you can hold down either the shift or the mute key, select which sounds to mute / unmute, the action only being performed the moment you release the shift / mute key. Even better if you could do that for individual drum lines and full tracks.


Also, I am a bit suprised about the "Clear" feature in the Rhythm tracks. It clears the whole patterns, while I think it would be way more useful if it:

a) would just clear that one drum line (maybe with a double-tap?)

b) would clear the notes in that one drum line while being depressed (as on the TR-909 when in Step Write mode)

c) would bring up the same screen as when pressing Mute, so you can select which lines to clear (preferrably for the duration of the knob press) – as on the TR-909 in Tap Write mode.


Looking forward to some input of more experienced users!

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I recently finished building my Sequencer. To my big surprise, everything worked immediately, and I am really happy with it so far. I am still learning how to use it, so my question is in regard of its simplest mode, the drum track.


great! :)


Is it possible to mute individual drum lines / notes in a drum track via MIDI? If so, how would I go about doing that? As is, it is not possible to eg mute the kick at the same time as the bassline (which would be on another track). If that would be possible, I could assign buttons on a MIDI controller to control their mute status.


Currently it's only possible to mute entire tracks via CC.

I'm unsure if it makes sense to mute individual notes, such a generic filter capability would be very costly (128 * 16 CCs required)

Maybe trigger layer mutes could be controlled via CC (currently only possible from the UI), this would fit with your intention?




As a feature suggestion, maybe it would be possible to add a way of handling mutes like on the Elektron Machinedrum, where, if memory serves me correct, you can hold down either the shift or the mute key, select which sounds to mute / unmute, the action only being performed the moment you release the shift / mute key. Even better if you could do that for individual drum lines and full tracks.


This is possible: press & hold the SELECT button.

Change mute states for tracks or parameter/trigger layers (press&hold MUTE button in addition to see them)

Release SELECT button to take over the change.



Also, I am a bit suprised about the "Clear" feature in the Rhythm tracks. It clears the whole patterns, while I think it would be way more useful if it:

a) would just clear that one drum line (maybe with a double-tap?)

b) would clear the notes in that one drum line while being depressed (as on the TR-909 when in Step Write mode)

c) would bring up the same screen as when pressing Mute, so you can select which lines to clear (preferrably for the duration of the knob press) – as on the TR-909 in Tap Write mode.


I've to check this (added to the long wish list)

However, double-click is no option, too risky during live situations


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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