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Getting Analog(J5) to work on CORE8 Mios8 Midio128

Johannus OP240

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Hi there!

Can someone please explain to me in a step by step process how to get the analog pins (J5) on the core.  I have built the Core with PIC  (the midio128) V3 design.  Running Mios8.  I don't know how to program or actually what on earth to do to get life out of it?  It just doesn't respond.  Please anybody with step by step procedure!

Many thanks.

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Johannus OP240.

If you are discussing mios8 and midio128, you are in the digital domain, not analog.  

What are you attempting to do?

If you go to the Ucaps website, and go to the link for  MIOS8 located in left panel, you will find some apps down at the bottom of the list dealing with J5.



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Thanks for you replies.

I am simply trying to connect pots to j5. that's it. No AIN module.  I do not know how to program it without overwriting the MIDIO128 settings.  At the moment there is no response from J5, as if I haven't activated something yet.  So basically how does one enable J5 to use pots? Again no AIN modules. If I load a hex file I find that my midio128 application disappears and I loose all my setting for the pins on the DIN boards.  So this has me confused overall!  I am connecting an organ.  I have the keyboards all working,  but need the pots as well!




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Hardware side: there is no AIN module (well, there is AINSER and the old AIN64), just the AIN pins. Can you explain or post a diagram of how you're trying to connect the pots?

Software side: I don't have experience with these MIOS apps, but maybe you could try to upload MB64 to test?


Edited by latigid on
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The question is how does one enable AIN's?  I guess that's the problem?


Johannus OP240.

If you are discussing mios8 and midio128, you are in the digital domain, not analog.  

What are you attempting to do?

If you go to the Ucaps website, and go to the link for  MIOS8 located in left panel, you will find some apps down at the bottom of the list dealing with J5.



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Ok firstly,  I have built a core (the old PIC based V3), running MIOS 8 and configuring all the PINS of the DIN modules in Mios Studio using the Midio 128 application.  So far so good,  everything works perfectly.  However because I am using this system to convert an organ,  I need the AIN inputs directly on the CORE to work at the same time.  So what I need is all 128 contacts working with 8 POTS as well. Now I can't get the POTS to work as in the MIDIO128 application there is no option to activate AIN or configure AIN! 


Please how do I go about getting them to both recognized and working together?  I am a newbie, and am so grateful for this project - but I really want to make a success out of it.  I feel I am nearly there expect for this issue.  If I need to write a program to get it to work,  then I am lost!   My programming knowledge is zero,  and trying to make sense of all that is on the website with regard to programming has got me sooooo confused!  I don't know where to begin!    Is there no way to include AIN functionality into the MIDIO128 Application so one can benefit from full use of the CORE in one simple application? 

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My humble apologies Latigid.  I have abandoned that post as I felt I had not explained myself correctly and therefore might not have attracted more help! I have sent a message directly to TK yes.  But no response yet.  Unfortunately I have chosen the Old PIC Core due to the availability of parts in South Africa. Building the new generation boards would mean me importing parts,  and unfortunately that is just to costly as the SA Import duties are very steep.  I might as well then buy a complete system for MIDI Gadgets etc.

I know that this core must be able to work simultaneously(with contacts and pots),  because if one is midifying an organ one needs a swell pedal,  and then what?  I have tried also to connect multiple cores so I could perhaps use the second core for the job,  but again not sure how to successfully chain the cores and get Midio Studio to recognize both cores.  So far it will only recognize one of them.  And then again what applications to load?   Thus far I have 128 contacts working thats it.  For an organ I need the complete thing,  or its only really partly midified!

Surely someone must have the solution out there!?


Many thanks again to all.



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I received your PM this Thursday, but usually work through various requests only on Sundays, that's the reason for the delayed reply.

Here is a quick&dirty hack which should send CC#16...CC#23 over MIDI channel 1 on pots connected to J5.A0...A7
-> http://www.ucapps.de/mios/midio128_v2_2c__ain_enabled.zip

Please note that unused analog inputs have to be clamped to ground, otherwise they will cause random MIDI data.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thank you soooooooo much Thorsten!   Solved my problem in two ticks!  Much appreciated indeed.  I don't know if i should start another thread,  but my last question is how do i chain 2 or more cores together?  I have tried via the core chain images given on the website,  however i am not sure of what the pins on J11 are.  There are 4 pins. Which is VS, MO and MI?  Thanks.

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  • 1 month later...

Long time I didn't come to this forum.

If you want to chain cores, the easiest way is to make your own MIDI cable and connect J12 and J13. I guess you had to fit the 5-pin DIN connectors if only to be able to upload MIDIO128 and the pin configurations. This is what I've done for my own rig (currently 2 COREs, another one to come later).

See e.g. http://soundsparks.blogspot.fr/2010/03/diy-midi-cables.html (found after a quick googling) if you need information about how to build a MIDI cable. Make them long enough so that they don't bend too much. About 1 to 1.5 inch slack is nice.

You still have to enable MIDIO128's midi merger (end point/forwarding point) on each CORE.

Hope that helps.

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