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Correct connections RC1 / RC2


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Hey people,

I have some trouble with self designed PCBs. I have three DOUT SRs which power 8 LED rings perfectly. The first SR is equipped with a ULN2803 as driver. This works as expected.
Now I want to connect the encoders and switches to it. I add a DIN-PCB but as soon as I connect the 10pin IDC of the switches to the DIN, the LED-rings go off. There is just one LED, that is still bright. If I disconnect the ULN-PCB, nothing changes. Still this LED is on.

BTW: The switches are working! If I set debug modus on I see that the PCB works as expected... just that the LED-rings go off is really not clear for me. 

I'll add the schematics here later on.

Just a question: Are RC1 and RC2 are supposed to be soldered together like in this schematic:

I have them seperated (DOUT got RC1, DIN RC2).

Maybe somebody has a hint for me?


Edited by FantomXR
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Hi Chris

To me DIN and DOUT share the same clock which is RC1 (core J8/9) pin 10

I don't know about J1 DIN rev 5 schematic, maybe a mistake, or compatibility with previous rev with single row J1 connector.

If you look at DOUT rev5 or IOmatrix shemo, J1 clearly connect ONLY RC1 pin10 to the shift register device

I think I read you can separate RC line for IN and OUT with appropriate modification at soft side, but I let this to the soft guys :)



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