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BLM16x16+x LED dont react as should (solved)


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SOLVED > it was IC20, i soldered a 165 instead of a 595.

STM32F4 Core with Orginal Software got from here: mios32/trunk/apps/controllers/blm_scalar

The UI-Hardware is from latigid


Problem is when Powering up, there are lighting following vertical extra LEDs: 1, 5, 9, 13, in green color which is my Color LED

when now sending notes from a other core via midi into the BLM with commandos like following,  then the result is not ok...

u8 green = 70; 
u8 blue = 32;  
u8 cyan = 120; 

//the next pairs off Commandos, are isolated code snippeds, they should
//only visualize the 2 states off the LED

///COMMAND///////////////////////////////////////IN REALITY/////
MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,96,cyan);   //cyan
MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,96,green);  //green

MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,97,green);  //OFF
MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,97,blue);   //blue

MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,98,green);  //OFF
MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,98,blue);   //blue

MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,99,green);  //OFF
MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,99,blue);   //blue

MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,100,green);  //green
MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,100,blue);   //cyan

MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,101,green);  //OFF
MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,101,blue);   //blue

MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,102,green);  //OFF
MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,102,blue);   //blue

MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,103,green);  //OFF
MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,103,blue);   //blue

MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,104,cyan);  //cyan
MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,104,0);     //green

MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,105,blue);  //BLUE
MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOff(CCoutPort,0,105,0);    //OFF

MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,106,cyan);  //BLUE
MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOff(CCoutPort,0,106,0);    //OFF

MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,107,green); //OFF
MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOff(CCoutPort,0,107,0);    //OFF

MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,108,cyan);  //CYAN
MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOff(CCoutPort,0,108,0);    //GREEN              //dont matter if i choose NoteOff or NoteON

MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,109,green); //OFF
MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,109,0);     //OFF

MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,110,green);  //Both LEDs OFF
MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,110,0);    //Both LEDs OFF

MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,111,green);}  //Both LEDs OFF
MIOS32_MIDI_SendNoteOn(CCoutPort,0,111,0);}}     //Both LEDs OFF


Edited by Phatline
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I guess that you misunderstood the documentation (e.g. you are overwriting previously written colours).

However, this kind of handling won't be necessary anymore once I provide a communication driver.

Best Regards, Thorsten.


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to be exactly: when i connect the POWER off the first Host, and a few milliseconds later the BLM, then the BLM startup in a blank mode - all buttons then are deactivated

in any other case, the BLM start up vie this Green LEDS on Horizontal 0 4 8 12, and Vertical 0 1 2 3. and these "positions/fix-points" will not turn off - they change the color yes, but turning off...no way. 

dont matter which BLM_SCALAR_MASTER_LED_Set i do...

how ever as attachment a example:

when pressing the left most horizontal EXTRA button, you load some Matrix content into the BLM... when pressing the 2nd EXTRA button the BLM get loadet with a empty array, however the first 7 horizontal extra buttons are loading 7 different Arrays into the Matrix

these 7 buttons are in Radio-Switch-Mode, which means, if you press one of them, the others change their color to e.g.blue, while the active should be shown...in theory...but when this green LEDs (on Step 1 5 9 13) are shown from startup, they dont go awayy,

my code in this case:

u8 extra[2][16] = {{}};

u8 MtxPartNr = 0;

if(element_id == 1) {//x-extra-buttons
  if(button_depressed == 0) { //avoid double triggering, since we toggle...                    
    if(button_x <= 6) { int x; for(x=0; x<7; x  ){extra[0][x] = 1;} //change all Songpart LEDs to e.g in my case blue
        extra[0][button_x] = 2;    MtxPartNr = button_x; //activate one of the 7 songparts-indicators

/now dumpout all extra X LEDs
    int x; for(x=0; x<16; x  ) {BLM_SCALAR_MASTER_LED_Set(ID, 1, x, 0,  extra[0][x]);} //(blm, element_id, button_x, button_y, new_colour);

what i am wondering now is a. the Green LEDs thing... and b.why the LED that get the command LED-Color "2" why it then is turned off...


and a 2nd strange thing..

I have activated the 4 Faders on my BLM on the 5A board, I have bridged 5B hardware side.

when i move the onboard Faders: I get follwing informations via a LCD print message into static s32 APP_BLM_ButtonCallback(u8 blm, blm_scalar_master_element_t element_id, u8 button_x, u8 button_y, u8 button_depressed){

element_id = 0 (which should be the Matrix)


and over button_y i got 5, 9 15, and other stuff when moving one of the faders. ----and that in the ButtonCallback Function???? this of course cause some Matrix Blinking....these are Matrix informations x=1 =2nd vertical row, and y 5 7 1.... are the LEDs of the 2nd row...


do you have a idea? or better a 32bit blm to test the file?


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I've no explanation for this issue, and I'm not able to reproduce it.

What happens if you add


whenever one of the horizontal extra buttons is pressed, after the 16x16 grid LEDs have been set?
Are the LEDs set like expected thereafter?

I've also no explanation why faders should trigger button events.
Do they sent CC events?
You can doublecheck this by displaying incoming events in APP_MIDI_NotifyPackage like shown in this example: http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios32&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Ftutorials%2F003_debug_messages%2Fapp.c

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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dont change something

when Plugin the Power of the BLM first, this pattern accours: this also accours when no midi connection is there for the host. green is color 1


i can now press one of these buttons and then they turn into cyan (both leds on), it dont toggles back, it stays cyan (still no host com via midi required, but with host it is the same...)



now with connected host application, LED 0-8 (button_x) should be blue - because i sent all them a 1 via your driver.


the next picture shows blue vertical Buttons in the matrix ... these or simular pattens accouring when moving one of the  built in faders...

of course the Verticals only appears if do somehting with the incoming data...:

static s32 APP_BLM_ButtonCallback(u8 blm, blm_scalar_master_element_t element_id, u8 button_x, u8 button_y, u8 button_depressed){

if(element_id == 0) { //lets toggle the Matrix Data
 if(button_depressed == 0) { MATRIX[MtxPartNr][button_x][button_y]   =!   MATRIX[MtxPartNr][button_x][button_y];}}




when i move one of them faders on the BLM, then on my HOST i got via Mios studio follwing:


[17494.271] Port:22  Type:4  Evnt0:F0  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17494.271] Port:22  Type:4  Evnt0:7E  Evnt1:4E  Evnt2:00
[17494.271] Port:22  Type:4  Evnt0:01  Evnt1:10  Evnt2:10
[17494.271] Port:22  Type:4  Evnt0:02  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:01
[17495.501] Port:10  Type:4  Evnt0:F0  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17495.501] Port:10  Type:7  Evnt0:00  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:F7
[17495.501] Port:10  Type:4  Evnt0:F0  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17495.502] Port:10  Type:4  Evnt0:7E  Evnt1:40  Evnt2:00
[17495.502] Port:10  Type:4  Evnt0:0D  Evnt1:02  Evnt2:00
[17495.502] Port:10  Type:4  Evnt0:00  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17495.502] Port:10  Type:4  Evnt0:00  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:01
[17495.502] Port:10  Type:4  Evnt0:00  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17495.502] Port:10  Type:6  Evnt0:00  Evnt1:F7  Evnt2:00
[17495.666] Port:10  Type:4  Evnt0:F0  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17495.666] Port:10  Type:7  Evnt0:00  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:F7
[17495.668] Port:10  Type:4  Evnt0:F0  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17495.668] Port:10  Type:7  Evnt0:00  Evnt1:02  Evnt2:F7
[17495.670] Port:10  Type:4  Evnt0:F0  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17495.670] Port:10  Type:7  Evnt0:00  Evnt1:03  Evnt2:F7
[17495.672] Port:10  Type:4  Evnt0:F0  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17495.672] Port:10  Type:7  Evnt0:00  Evnt1:04  Evnt2:F7
[17495.675] Port:10  Type:4  Evnt0:F0  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17495.677] Port:10  Type:7  Evnt0:00  Evnt1:05  Evnt2:F7
[17495.679] Port:10  Type:4  Evnt0:F0  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17495.679] Port:10  Type:7  Evnt0:00  Evnt1:06  Evnt2:F7
[17495.681] Port:10  Type:4  Evnt0:F0  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17495.681] Port:10  Type:7  Evnt0:00  Evnt1:07  Evnt2:F7
[17495.683] Port:10  Type:4  Evnt0:F0  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17495.683] Port:10  Type:7  Evnt0:00  Evnt1:08  Evnt2:F7
[17495.685] Port:10  Type:4  Evnt0:F0  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17495.685] Port:10  Type:7  Evnt0:00  Evnt1:09  Evnt2:F7
[17497.248] Port:22  Type:4  Evnt0:F0  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17497.249] Port:22  Type:4  Evnt0:7E  Evnt1:4E  Evnt2:00
[17497.249] Port:22  Type:4  Evnt0:01  Evnt1:10  Evnt2:10
[17497.249] Port:22  Type:4  Evnt0:02  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:01
[17497.250] Port:22  Type:6  Evnt0:01  Evnt1:F7  Evnt2:00
[17497.255] Port:22  Type:4  Evnt0:F0  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17497.255] Port:22  Type:4  Evnt0:7E  Evnt1:4E  Evnt2:00
[17497.257] Port:22  Type:7  Evnt0:0F  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:F7
[17498.663] Port:22  Type:C  Evnt0:CB  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.667] Port:22  Type:4  Evnt0:F0  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:18
[17498.675] Port:22  Type:4  Evnt0:01  Evnt1:3E  Evnt2:01
[17498.688] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DE  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.688] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DE  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17498.691] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DE  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.691] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DE  Evnt1:25  Evnt2:00
[17498.694] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DE  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.694] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DE  Evnt1:4B  Evnt2:00
[17498.697] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DE  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.698] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DE  Evnt1:76  Evnt2:00
[17498.700] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DE  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.705] Port:22  Type:C  Evnt0:C8  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.707] Port:22  Type:E  Evnt0:EA  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:0A
[17498.709] Port:22  Type:E  Evnt0:EA  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:2A
[17498.711] Port:22  Type:E  Evnt0:EA  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:4E
[17498.713] Port:22  Type:E  Evnt0:EA  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:72
[17498.721] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DA  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.721] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DA  Evnt1:02  Evnt2:00
[17498.723] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DA  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.723] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DA  Evnt1:23  Evnt2:00
[17498.725] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DA  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.725] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DA  Evnt1:4E  Evnt2:00
[17498.727] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DA  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.727] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DA  Evnt1:71  Evnt2:00
[17498.729] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DA  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.735] Port:22  Type:E  Evnt0:E1  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:0E
[17498.737] Port:22  Type:E  Evnt0:E1  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:33
[17498.739] Port:22  Type:E  Evnt0:E1  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:63
[17498.747] Port:22  Type:E  Evnt0:E5  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:12
[17498.749] Port:22  Type:E  Evnt0:E5  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:3E
[17498.751] Port:22  Type:E  Evnt0:E5  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:6B
[17498.757] Port:22  Type:C  Evnt0:C6  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.759] Port:22  Type:4  Evnt0:F0  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:1F
[17498.763] Port:22  Type:4  Evnt0:01  Evnt1:4A  Evnt2:01
[17498.769] Port:22  Type:C  Evnt0:C3  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.771] Port:22  Type:E  Evnt0:EC  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:17
[17498.773] Port:22  Type:E  Evnt0:EC  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:42
[17498.775] Port:22  Type:E  Evnt0:EC  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:66
[17498.783] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.783] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:03  Evnt2:00
[17498.785] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.785] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:2A  Evnt2:00
[17498.787] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.787] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:4B  Evnt2:00
[17498.789] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.789] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:73  Evnt2:00
[17498.791] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.797] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DE  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.797] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DE  Evnt1:03  Evnt2:00
[17498.800] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DE  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.801] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DE  Evnt1:32  Evnt2:00
[17498.803] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DE  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.803] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DE  Evnt1:62  Evnt2:00
[17498.805] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DE  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.814] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.814] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:02  Evnt2:00
[17498.817] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.817] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:29  Evnt2:00
[17498.820] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.820] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:4A  Evnt2:00
[17498.823] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.823] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:6E  Evnt2:00
[17498.826] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.837] Port:22  Type:E  Evnt0:E0  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:0A
[17498.841] Port:22  Type:E  Evnt0:E0  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:2B
[17498.845] Port:22  Type:E  Evnt0:E0  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:53
[17498.849] Port:22  Type:E  Evnt0:E0  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:79
[17498.863] Port:22  Type:E  Evnt0:E2  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:02
[17498.868] Port:22  Type:E  Evnt0:E2  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:26
[17498.873] Port:22  Type:E  Evnt0:E2  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:46
[17498.879] Port:22  Type:E  Evnt0:E2  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:6F
[17498.904] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.904] Port:22  Type:F  Evnt0:FB  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17498.909] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.909] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:20  Evnt2:00
[17498.915] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.915] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:40  Evnt2:00
[17498.921] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.921] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:66  Evnt2:00
[17498.927] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.944] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:D2  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17498.949] Port:22  Type:3  Evnt0:F2  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:12
[17498.955] Port:22  Type:3  Evnt0:F2  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:33
[17498.961] Port:22  Type:3  Evnt0:F2  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:60
[17498.976] Port:22  Type:C  Evnt0:C3  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17500.164] [MIOS32_MIDI_Receive_Handler] Timeout on port 0x22
[17502.248] Port:22  Type:4  Evnt0:F0  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17502.249] Port:22  Type:4  Evnt0:7E  Evnt1:4E  Evnt2:00
[17502.250] Port:22  Type:7  Evnt0:0F  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:F7
[17505.241] Port:22  Type:F  Evnt0:FF  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17505.241] Port:22  Type:B  Evnt0:B2  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:01
[17505.246] Port:22  Type:C  Evnt0:CD  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17505.246] Port:22  Type:F  Evnt0:FF  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17505.246] Port:22  Type:C  Evnt0:CD  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17505.250] Port:22  Type:C  Evnt0:CA  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17505.250] Port:22  Type:F  Evnt0:FF  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17505.250] Port:22  Type:C  Evnt0:CA  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17505.253] Port:22  Type:C  Evnt0:CA  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17505.253] Port:22  Type:F  Evnt0:FF  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17505.253] Port:22  Type:C  Evnt0:CA  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17505.255] Port:22  Type:C  Evnt0:CA  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17505.255] Port:22  Type:F  Evnt0:FF  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17505.522] Port:22  Type:C  Evnt0:CA  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17505.525] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:D7  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17505.536] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:82  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:62
[17505.540] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:82  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:3A
[17505.545] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:82  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:13
[17505.552] Port:22  Type:2  Evnt0:F3  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17505.557] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:D3  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17505.564] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:93  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:73
[17505.568] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:93  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:52
[17505.573] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:93  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:2A
[17505.578] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:93  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:05
[17505.594] Port:22  Type:C  Evnt0:C2  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17505.601] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:9B  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:7A
[17505.607] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:9B  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:5A
[17505.612] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:9B  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:36
[17505.618] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:9B  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:13
[17505.637] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:D2  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17505.653] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:89  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:69
[17505.659] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:89  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:48
[17505.666] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:89  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:22
[17505.673] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:89  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:02
[17505.698] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:99  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:73
[17505.705] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:99  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:53
[17505.714] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:99  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:2E
[17505.722] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:99  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:0B
[17505.748] Port:22  Type:C  Evnt0:CA  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17505.768] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:8A  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:69
[17505.776] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:8A  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:47
[17505.786] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:8A  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:23
[17505.797] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:8A  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:03
[17505.825] Port:22  Type:C  Evnt0:C3  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17505.847] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:83  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:62
[17505.856] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:83  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:42
[17505.869] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:83  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:22
[17505.880] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:83  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17505.899] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DB  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17505.919] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:9A  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:77
[17505.928] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:9A  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:57
[17505.938] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:9A  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:36
[17505.947] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:9A  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:16
[17505.955] Port:22  Type:5  Evnt0:F5  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17505.973] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:D4  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17505.993] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:92  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:72
[17506.002] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:92  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:52
[17506.011] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:92  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:32
[17506.020] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:92  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:12
[17506.043] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:D2  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17506.061] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:8E  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:6B
[17506.070] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:8E  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:4A
[17506.079] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:8E  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:26
[17506.086] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:8E  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:06
[17506.109] Port:22  Type:C  Evnt0:C2  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17506.118] Port:22  Type:A  Evnt0:A1  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:7A
[17506.129] Port:22  Type:A  Evnt0:A1  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:5A
[17506.137] Port:22  Type:A  Evnt0:A1  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:39
[17506.147] Port:22  Type:A  Evnt0:A1  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:19
[17506.157] Port:22  Type:5  Evnt0:F6  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17506.177] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:D6  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17506.199] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:92  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:72
[17506.207] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:92  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:52
[17506.217] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:92  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:30
[17506.227] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:92  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:0E
[17506.260] Port:22  Type:C  Evnt0:CE  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17506.286] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:8A  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:6A
[17506.295] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:8A  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:4A
[17506.307] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:8A  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:2A
[17506.317] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:8A  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:0A
[17506.355] Port:22  Type:C  Evnt0:C9  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17506.378] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:86  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:66
[17506.390] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:86  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:42
[17506.401] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:86  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:22
[17506.411] Port:22  Type:8  Evnt0:86  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17506.429] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:DE  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17506.455] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:9E  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:7E
[17506.465] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:9E  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:5D
[17506.474] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:9E  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:3C
[17506.485] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:9E  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:1B
[17506.490] Port:22  Type:F  Evnt0:FA  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17506.501] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:9E  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:01
[17506.506] Port:22  Type:D  Evnt0:D6  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:00
[17506.523] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:96  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:76
[17506.530] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:96  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:56
[17506.544] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:96  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:36
[17506.597] Port:22  Type:9  Evnt0:96  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:16
[17507.249] Port:22  Type:4  Evnt0:F0  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17507.250] Port:22  Type:4  Evnt0:7E  Evnt1:4E  Evnt2:00
[17507.250] Port:22  Type:4  Evnt0:01  Evnt1:10  Evnt2:10
[17507.250] Port:22  Type:4  Evnt0:02  Evnt1:01  Evnt2:01
[17507.251] Port:22  Type:6  Evnt0:01  Evnt1:F7  Evnt2:00
[17507.256] Port:22  Type:4  Evnt0:F0  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:00
[17507.256] Port:22  Type:4  Evnt0:7E  Evnt1:4E  Evnt2:00
[17507.258] Port:22  Type:7  Evnt0:0F  Evnt1:00  Evnt2:F7


Edited by Phatline
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Neither the demonstrated LED behaviour, nor the received MIDI messages make sense, and I'm surprised that anything is working at your side...

How exactly did you connect the cores via MIDI?
E.g. are you using optocouplers?

And are you able to doublecheck the behaviour with a PIC based mini core, just to get more information about the root cause?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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it works great except those 8 LEDs.

via midi yes, and yes optocoplers, 6n138 on those midi_io boards, both cores are  STM32F4...

BLM,s CorePort 32 (Midi A),

BLM_SCALER_COMMUNICATION app on a Core32 on Port 34...


i have to solder midiconnections for my minicore... i try it later


i tryd to   to deactivate the testmode = 0; on the BLM code, but that change nothing

void APP_Init(void){
  sysexRequestTimer = 0;
  midiDataReceived = 0;
  testmode = 0;
  MIOS32_BOARD_LED_Init(0xffffffff);   // initialize all LEDs
  BLM_SCALAR_Init(0);   // initialize BLM_SCALAR driver
  SYSEX_Init(0);   // initialize SysEx parser
  xTaskCreate(TASK_BLM_Check, (signed portCHAR *)"BLM_Check", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, PRIORITY_TASK_BLM_CHECK, NULL);   // start BLM check task


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The Fader issue is understood now: 14bit values were sent instead of 7bit, this confused the MIDI protocol.

So, please update your repository and upload the new blm_scalar application.

The LED issue needs a comparison with the PIC based MINI core.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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that was a journey... aufschrauben, das pinout ihrgendwo rausmessen, löten... geht nicht.... anderes core wo gefunden - weils ja nihrgends diagram für core mini für gibt...der ladgid...

how ever

no, with the 8bit Core it is the same Problem! so the BLM is not the problem.

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Ok, so it's very likely a soldering issue around the column select lines for the LEDs.

Latigid On can help you to debug this.

Alternatively just visually search for soldering errors like you did before for some buttons: 


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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3 hours ago, Phatline said:

that was a journey... aufschrauben, das pinout ihrgendwo rausmessen, löten... geht nicht.... anderes core wo gefunden - weils ja nihrgends diagram für core mini für gibt...der ladgid...

Please write in English or at least German! miniCore is just the Core8 minus all unnecessary parts, mostly headers. All pullups are in place and you can easily trace the circuit because it's on one layer only. 

Those LED pins are common to RN20 pin 12 then the resistor pin opposite (pin 5) goes to IC20 pin 7. 

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german is not german... i was on a trace...flucke and me.

ok i think i got the problem, i soldered a hc165 instead of a 595 :pout:, i now desoldered it, but with that action i lost  Pin1 and 15 which when it can compaired with a DOUTX4 module is output 0 and 1,

on the rear layer where the 595 IC20 is located, i cant see any trace or VIA where i can connect them with a wire...or are these pins not used on this layout...?


thx 4 help

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