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[WTB] MB6582 Non-soldered base pcb board


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys,

dreamer and arumblack - splitting a set would work and I will do what I can to make this happen.  Check your private messages.

Macotronic - I have never left the 6582 boards out of stock for more than a quarter, and I have never had a run of those boards sell in less than 2 months.  4-6 months to sell a batch is typical for a few years now.  Contact me and mention this thread if you want me to set one aside for you on the next batch.

9point6 - Contact me and mention this thread if you want me to set one aside for you on the next batch.

Basically the 6582 sets are low demand vs. parking a lot of rent money on the shelf for a while.  :)

No reason to think that sold out means no more.  I don't do artificial scarcity.  I also do not want to crank the price up to the point that it justifies keeping enough around for the demand spikes - these have a 6 week turnaround time to get this quality level at this price.


Best regards



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