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Im selling my Midibox Seq V4, it as been in my studio for quite some time now, and it was really fun to built and to use it live.

Unfortunately in this last 3 years i didn't use it at all, one reason is that my whole idea of performance didnt involve the Seq, so its time to move on and im betting the one who keeps it will give a proper use to this wonderful machine.

Some specs: i have built this monster and it took me quite some time, at the time i was giving my first steps towards electronic diy stuff and this was my first project, lots of doubts and also lots of ideas that come out of this enterprise, luckily this forum always help me a lot, awsering questions and keep me positive about all of it.

I didnt built a faceplate, was my intention but as soon i was starting playing with this baby i totally forget to make one, also i like the aesthetic of not having a front panel, the Seq as 2 midi in / 2 midi out but is prepared for one more in and out, (i have put the plugs but didnt solder them to the board), the rotary encoders in the front have the top caps, but they are missing from the photos because i was cleaning it and forget to put em back.

The machine is running and dont have any errors or crashes the O.S is the last one, and i can throw a Power supply in the sale, the box was my creation, and is solid pine wood, the connections in the back a a proper newbies work, but its all good, no shorts or bad connections.

I dont know what to ask because i cant come up with a value,(for the parts i have spent about 300€, wood box 45€ and a lot of days working in it)  so if you can make me an offer i will appreciate, also im looking for modular stuff (Makenoise Modules, Intelligel, and a System A-100 (case) from Doepfer)













Edited by indeep
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This is a SEQ V3 owing to the PIC Core and banksticks. I would suggest that you start from the cost price of the parts and go down from there. It's also a good idea to list your location for currency/shipping estimates.

Or, grab a new Core module and an AOUT and go nuts with your Eurorack. The SEQ kicks serious ass in modular land. 

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