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midibox_NG and SPI midi issue


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Hi all

From .NGC, I try without success to have midi data I/O with RTP-midi (kissbox) connected at J16 (J1 at BEB card)

I'm able to send midi with .NGR and SPI1 port definition, but I want to send receive midi with .NGC configuration

How can I do that? "ports=" definition at .NGC don't seem to have SPI choices... I'm lost here.


Also I have trouble to update/load data with MIOS studio, I connect to the core, browse and edit config files, but there is error if updating/saving the change.

Another example, if I type "help" at MIOS studio terminal, the text with all available command is just crazy, missing parts and wrong "return to line"


I'll appreciate help on this






MIOSstudio terminal.jpg

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Hi Thorsten

Thanks !!!

Did you just upgrade the documentation, because I miss this couple days ago, when I read for the hundred time again the documentation :confused:

I will try asap :happy:

juste a note/question

according to the example you give, SPI is first 4 digits not last 4 digits, and fourth digit enable SPI 4, if I'm logical ?


Expects a 16bit binary value (0|1) to select the MIDI ports over which the event should send and receive:

  • the first 4 digits enable/disable USB1..USB4
  • the next 4 digits enable/disable MIDI1..MIDI4
  • the next 4 digits are reserved, don't use!
  • the next 4 digits enable/disable OSC1..OSC4
  • the last 4 digits enable/disable SPI1..SPI4 (requires that the spi_midi flag has been enabled in the MIOS32 Bootloader configuration.

Example: following binary value (which is the default value)


will enable USB1, MIDI1 (IN1 and OUT1) and OSC1, and following binary:


will only enable MIDI1 and MIDI2


will enable SPI1



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Hello Thorsten

Ok that's great it work now !!! fader moves without USB connected :cheers:

I just made a quick change at .NGC to check, don't have time this week to go further on this i'm in a middle of mix session.


Sorry but to make it work right now I have to define ports=00000000000000001000 and not ports=00010000000000000000.

there is some contradiction between text/description and example, but I solved this in few min, as I get the point of 16bit in place of 12bit for the ports definition.

Everything is fine :happy:




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