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PCB manufacturing


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Hello again! In my quest for building my custom MIDI controller I know started learning about PCB design. I have started using Altium designer. However, I don't know how should I effectively build the PCB. I've been searching and came across some DIY methods, like using veroboards or etching. However I would like to have it professionally constructed. From experience, what do you recommend? Do you know any PCB manufacturers for reasonable prices? 

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Hmm, I think Altium will cost you over 9000 dollars, unless you're a student. There are cheaper options like EAGLE (freeware up to a certain PCB area), KiCAD (free and open), Diptrace etc.

All CAD software has steep learning curves. Plenty of fabs to get your boards done all around the world. Where are you located? If you're planning large boards, they won't be cheap and you'll have to buy multiple copies. Modulbox is a preliminary ideas page from @Psykhaze. I'm sure he'd be happy to discuss with you if there are common points of interest.

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Thank you for bringing me out here @latigid on =)

@Pingaaas :  i'll start by bringing you to some wiki links you may find useful::

Then as mentionned, Modulbox-ng project aims to be some "modular" to build-as-you-will MIDIbox Controller .
We thought it compatible with Eurorack sizes and based upon the latest MB-NG features. But it's still in prototyping stage currently.
Wiki page tells about current specifications . Maybe you are interested about bringing your reflexion / needs to the project.

Also , If you have further interest in PCB crafting, i will soon test self etching methods and would be happy to exchange about that.
Do not hesitate contacting me in PM =)


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I would recommend Eagle, the free version is size limited, about 3"x4", but if you are just starting you should start small anyway. Far easier to complete a limited design. There are lots of learning resources to help get you up to speed, so Google is your friend. 

As stated, there are lots of fab houses; I've been using OSH Park lately. Easy order process, just upload your Eagle file and they process the Gerbers and drill files. It's good for small runs and the price isn't too high. The cost is $5 per sq" of design, and you receive 3 copies. I.E. a 1" x 2" BRD design would cost $10 and free shipping for 3 boards. If you use the regular service, 10 copies, the cost goes down about 30% I think.



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OSHPark is great indeed, they have top notch quality PCBs. However, if you need larger size boards OSHpark can become quite expensive. Also note that shipping is only free within the US. However, for small boards their service can't be beaten. Psykhaze has already given a good overview on the rest of the pack from China mainly.

For PCB design I would always recommend KICAD, which is free, open, and has turned into an amazing piece of software in the last two years. Before, I have worked with Target and with Eagle, both manufacturers that try to lure you with crippleware, i.e. the free versions are seriously limited, either in pad count or in board size. As latigid on mentioned, all these tools have rather steep learning curves, so in my opinion it just doesn't make sense to invest time into learning a software, only to eventually discover that you need more features later on. Because then you either have to spend the money or start learning again... There are also lots of tutorials available for KICAD as well.


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