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midi sync thru question


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Hi there, 

In my setup i have Ableton syncing SEqV4 via USB. then SeqV4 syncs machinedrum and tanzbar from one of the midi outputs. (which allows me to work standalone with the seqV4 master without computer, then when i record, Ableton becomes the master)

when I start Ableton on bar 1, everything is in sync and starts together on beat 1- great. 

when I start ableton later in the song, say bar 17, seq V4 still starts on beat 1 but MD and TB start when they left off, together on the same beat, but not on beat 1- not good

If i start SeqV4 itself, everything in time again. 

any settings in SeqV4 could be causing that? 

thanks guys


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Sorry for the late answer! I had a similar question when still using a DAW. Afaik, MBSEQ responds only to MIDI start/stop and tempo commands, but does not interpret song position. So, if i am right, there is no way to directly jump to a certain step/bar when starting DAW playback in the middle of a song. All is fine when you start at the beginning, of course.

The reason behind this (i am not sure, but that's what I came up with then): it would be difficult for a step sequencer to interpret a given DAW song position - what if your DAW song is longer than any stored track, which is quite likely... Where to start each track? There is no way for the SEQ to know...

Many greetings,

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MIDI clock is made from start, stop and continue bytes, and clock of course.

Different hardware interprets start/continue differently, and I think this is the issue described in the OP. The SEQ interprets a continue byte as a reset, while the MD/TB go from where they were stopped as I see it. Does that make sense or is it a different problem?

Or do you mean that the start/continue behaviour is different depending whether the SEQ is master or slave, i.e. are different commands sent?


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Ah, ok, this clears up some things!

My impression was, that the escargot requested MIDI timecode interpretation. I don't think the SEQ handles MTC (for the reason listed) and thought the he wanted to scroll to any virtual song position in the DAW and continue playing from there...

But as it seems, only pause/resume has been requested, that might be fixable behaviour, but it would be a new feature request, e.g. for the options menu.
If that new feature would be activated, the SEQ could interpret midi beat stops as pauses, to be able to continue like e.g. the machinedrum does.

You could add that idea as a feature request to the MBSEQ general thread and see what TK. has to say about it!

Many greetings,

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I think the SEQ is behaving well. it is the drum machines that don't.  when I start the DAW, it is still on a beat 1 of a bar. and SEQ starts on 1 too. but the drums don't (unless it is 1.1.0 of the song or it works ok with ableton clips on session view)

but if I bypass the SEQ, the drums will behave correctly. so it is in the SEQ thru messages somehow

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