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help help help  !! with JDM


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I m SO frustrated !!

I have vicious thoughts about throwing it all away !!

:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(


I m trying to burn a pic 16f877 for a MidiboxPlus with 8 knobs (I know its old).

I got the pcb from “SmashTv†and the parts as well, soldered everything and checked it infinite times >> it is perfect… every part in its place and at the correct direction !

Icprog (version 1.05c) is on “Windows API†…. “I/o delay†= 1 (no influence anyway)

I even have the two 9v batteries connected !!

Here are my readings :

Mclr = 13.4

Vcc = 5

Clock = 5.7

Data out = 4.5

With the pic in the socket readings are :

Mclr = 13.4

Vdd = 5

I am able to read and erase !!

Now, when I load the .hex file Icprog says “the file does not contain a device ID valueâ€

Then when I try to program it Icprog says (after about 15sec of programming) : “programming failed at code address 0420h†!!

Then when I read the pic I does have info in it but it stops at line 0420 !!

I tried to program a brand new pic as well as an erased pic, tried on two machines one with xp other with 98, every time same results


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re-check all your settings in IC-Prog. I have seen this error message, and I rechecked all my settings to match the settings reccommended on Thorsten's website, and it worked after that. Even if it still dosen't work, one of us can program it for you!

Are you loading the correct firmware for your chosen pic? As there are different versions for pic16f874 and pic16f877

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Is it a PIC16F877 or a PIC16F877A?

since you mention this.... will the 877A work?

i asked before i ordered samples but never got an answer. all they had was the A so i ordered it anyway(as well as some 18f452's for mios.)i have sent them all to smash tv for programing( due to my inability to get the jdm working and lack of time to work it out(would rather build the box!)

as always , thanks !

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Progress ?? maybe…

On the same jdm I managed to program a pic18f452 !!! I burned only the “bootstrap loader†into the pic…NO PROBLEMS at all – programmed and verified !! (cant check if its working ‘cause I have only a MidiboxPlus).

Does this mean that my jdm is healthy ?

But still… cant burn the 16f…

It is a pic16f877-20/p ! not A !

I got the .hex files from the MidiboxPlus page – it  is version v1910 !

I reseted my settings of Icprog and started all over – same result !

The chip is being programmed but only until line 0420h ! then it fails !

Could this be a bug in the .hex file ?? when I load it into Icprog I get a message “the file does not contain a device ID valueâ€

Is there an other .hex file for pic16f877 .. only to see if its working ?

What could be wrong


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arumblack: sure, the PIC16F877A will also work, you only have to take care for the correct device setting in IC-Prog. My tip: before asking such questions, use the powerfull search function of this forum, because this question has been answered several times before.

Ladybug: yes, your JDM is ok, it must be a configuration problem. You didn't answer to my question if the same address cannot be written regardless of the IO delay (and the PC) you are using. It's very very very important for me to know what happens then, otherwise I cannot sort out the root cause.

The message "the file does not contain a device ID value" can be ignored, the assembler doesn't include a device ID into the .hex file. You can disable this message somewhere in the preferences...

Best Regards, Thorsten.

P.S.: the .hex file is correct, it has been released one year ago, and many users tried in during this time

P.P.S.: other PIC16F firmwares can be found here: http://www.ucapps.de/pic16f_firmwares.html

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Just a reminder....

I will program 16f's and 18f's for you for free, any time.  

The JDM seems to be the hardest part for a lot of people with the port/voltage problems between pc's.

Send it/them to me along with a prepaid return envelope/box if you are in the US,


send them to me and buy just shipping on my site if you are outside of the US.   I can also do cheaper shipping than is on the site as long as I know exactly what you are sending.  (There are some cheaper small flat-rate envelopes I can use, that a kit won't fit into.)

I do it that way for people outside the US since it is hard to buy US postage to send a pre-posted package/envelope if you are not in the US!  :)

Either way you must email me first to get the address and inform me to keep an eye out for them.

Have fun!


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Ladybug, it sounds like you have a bad chip to me.  I have a couple of 877's here that will always error out on the same address each time you try to burn them.  (different stop points for each chip BTW)

One was abused by me in a non-MB design, One was inserted backwards by me and powered (Don't try to juggle baby, phone, and build at the same time!) and the other was bad out of the tube, probably static.

Let us know what ya find......  :)


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:D :D :D :D

;D ;D ;D ;D



i managed to program it with : direct i/o and delay = 2

i came to a conclusion that my jdm is fine so i started playing with the "method" (api vs. i/o) and "delay" !

tried alot of combinations untill i've found this (working) one, and again :  ;D ;D ;D ;D

weird thing is when i tried a different .hex file with the same settings and same pic - it failed !!

thank you all for your support !

see u on the other side of this forum

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