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2 manual controller


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I want to build a 2 manual controller for My GSI Gemini module. The configuration should be as follows:

1. Upper manual - 61 key Fatar TP80 

  - possible to send MIDI data on channel 1 or 4

  - possible to work in Velocity ON and Velocity OFF mode (in that mode when key hits the first contact it will send note on message with velocity value 127 - used in organ mode)

  - Octave Up/Down

2. Lower manual - 73 key Fatar TP80

  - possible to send MIDI data on channels 1, 2, 3, 4 (max. 2 channels )in single, layer or split mode (split point selectable)

  - possible to work in Velocity ON and Velocity OFF mode (in that mode when key hits the first contact it will send note on message with velocity value 127 - used in organ mode)

  - Octave Up/Down in each layer

3. One Pitch wheel assignable to channel 1 or/and 4

4. One Mod wheel assignable to channel 1 or/and 4

5. One Sustain switch assignable to channel 1 or/and 4

6. Two Expression pedal inputs (Channel 1 and 4)

7. 44 analog inputs for pots (9+9+2 drawbars, 2 volume, 22 other pots)

8. 50 LED buttons (8+8+4 for bank/patch selection, 4 for percussion, 2 for vibrato, approx.24 other)

9. The controller should be able to store 8*8*4 patches with approx. 100 parameters per patch

10. 2 Midi Outs from the board


Is it possible to make this application by Midibox?

Which core do you recommend to use?

Which modules (configuration) I have to use?


Thank you in advance!




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18 hours ago, macsaif said:

Is it possible to make this application by Midibox?


18 hours ago, macsaif said:

Which core do you recommend to use?

STM32F4 as this is the newest.

18 hours ago, macsaif said:

Which modules (configuration) I have to use?

DIO for the keybeds & buttons & LEDs, AINSER64 for all analog controllers, MIDI I/O.

But have in mind, that the more digital I/Os you connect to the core, the slower the scanrate of the keybed (= less velocity resolution) will get which doesn't matter if you are playing in organ mode most of the time.

And another thing: Good luck with the 73key TP/8O. This one doesn't have ribbon cable but foil cable. I was not able to get it working. 

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Thank you for reply.

I want to have normal velocity response on both manuals because I plan to use it with Gemini module. In that case maybe it is better option to connect the upper manual to a separate board. It will not have any other functions just scan the upper keybed and convert it to midi. Gemini module has 2 midi inputs. 

The Midibox will handle the lower manual and the functions I have mentioned in my first post.

I hope it will be not a problem to handle all the buttons and the 73 key keyboard with the normal velocity response.

I have Tp80 with 73 keys and ribbon cables. At the moment it is used for single manual keyboard (it is connected to the control board of an old master keyboard). It works however I do not like the functions of the original controller, this is the reason why I want to build the new 2 manual controller.



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What is the reason that I can not use the app for key scanning? Could it work without the 61key manual (just 73 keys + switches and leds)? In that case I will not need the midi pcb because it will be enough only 1 MIDI output and if I am right it can be connected directly to the motherboard.


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I have another idea. I will use the KB app as it was designed with 61 key upper manual and 73 key lower manual. Upper will send datas on channel 1 and lower will send datas on channel 4. I will connect the midi out of this module to another module which will have 2 midi outputs. Midi out 1 should have the  function to Transfer and modify the datas from kb module based on the choosen preset for example:

1. From lower keyboard to change midi channel 4 to channel 2 and after split point to channel 3

2. Octave up and down function by changing for ex c1 to c2, etc.

The midi out 2 will have the function to send program change and control change parameters based on choosen preset and based on the position of the potmeters and switches.

Do you think is it possible?

The other question: is it possible to configure the KB module to switch between velocity on and off mode based on some digital input to the module? If not I can do it simple way...by shortening of 2 rows scanning the first and second contact of the key by relays. I have tried it with the existing master keyboard and it works. For 61 key I need 4 and for the 73 key I need 5 relays with double contacts.




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1 hour ago, macsaif said:

The other question: is it possible to configure the KB module to switch between velocity on and off mode based on some digital input to the module? If not I can do it simple way...by shortening of 2 rows scanning the first and second contact of the key by relays. I have tried it with the existing master keyboard and it works. For 61 key I need 4 and for the 73 key I need 5 relays with double contacts.

The KB-app is not able to do that. This is a general setting which (as far as I know) you can not assign to a controller. 

I'm not sure what the status is regarding octave shift / transpose. As far as I know this is not possible at the moment. But you will have to double check with @TK..

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I have made the drawing of my modified concept. 

1. The first board should be used to work with 2 keybeds and 1 pitch weel, 1 mod wheel, 1 sustain pedal and 2 expression pedals

2. The Velocity On/Off function will be solved by shortening of buses to scan the 1st and 2nd contact of the keys. It works because I am using it with my existing 73 key TP80 keybed.

3. The second board will be used for storing of 8x8x4 presets (for selection of presets I will use 8 bank+8 preset+4 variation buttons it means for selection of the new preset I have to press 3 buttons). The same buttos will be used to send simple program change parameters (8bank x8preset x 2variation for upper manual and  8bank x8preset x 2variation for upper manual ). For activating this mode I will need one more button. The rest of the buttons will be assigned to CC parameters. By selection of presets I will send prog change parameters to Midi Out 2 for Midi channel 1 and Midi channel 4 (this is preadjusted midi channel in GSI GEMINI for 2 sound engines). In the preset also will be adjusted that which potmeter and button to which CC parameter will be assigned)

4. The other function of the second module will be to convert receives key on/ key off messages(changing midi channel, changing octave - based on the selected preset) input Midi IN1 ---- output Midi OUT 1


Is it possible to program Midibox to provide the mentioned operations (module 2)?




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49 minutes ago, macsaif said:

Is it possible to program Midibox to provide the mentioned operations (module 2)?

Yes. This should work. Anyway: I recommend to start with the buttons and try to program them the way you need it. 

I'd also recommend to go with the latest core which is the STM32F4-core. 

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You recommend to use core STM32F4 for both applications? I am little bit confused:

1. It is mentioned that the driver is optimized for LPC17 can it be used also for STM32F4 with the same scanning freq?

2. What is the difference btw. MidiBox NG and KB? Is it just firmware loaded to chip?



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6 minutes ago, macsaif said:

1. It is mentioned that the driver is optimized for LPC17 can it be used also for STM32F4 with the same scanning freq?

yes. STM32F4 is able to do everything the LPC17 can do and due to more RAM even more. Anyway: If you decide to go with LPC, I have some spare PCBs here which I don't need anymore.

6 minutes ago, macsaif said:

2. What is the difference btw. MidiBox NG and KB? Is it just firmware loaded to chip?

NG is able to do everything and KB is optimized for keyboard-usage only (like I mentioned before: higher scanning speed => better velocity resolution). You can compare both apps by reading through this:

And this:

Edited by FantomXR
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