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Control maps by potentiometer?


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Hey people,

I have a question regarding maps. I like the implementation of the interpolation techniques when using maps.
Let's assume we have a keyboard with a map:

MAP1/BYTEI  0:0  64:64  127:127

This gives us a linear velocity curve. What I now want to ask: Is it possible to convert those numbers to variables f.e. like this:

MAP1/BYTEI  0:0  AINSER:1:64  127:127

This would allow to easily adjust the velocity curve of a keybed... make it more convex or concave regarding which sound you are playing. By adding a fourth value into that line one could adjust the velocity curve even more accurate. Also something like this:


will give you even more control. You could change the whole velocity curve with just three potentiometers very quick and easy. 

Any ideas how to do that?


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Hi Chris


I doubt you can put a syntax like this in MAP definition

Not sure about but deserve a try:

You can put ^val in MAP definition IIRC

So try to define ^val with your EVENT_AINSER


Another possible way ? predefine few MAP for your velocity and, use a toggle button to switch between MAP ?





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1 hour ago, Zam said:

You can put ^val in MAP definition IIRC

I tried this:

MAP1/BYTEI  0:0  ^val:1:64  127:127

without success. I also tried downslash ^val_1 and ^val1. The terminal says:

[2944380.039] [MBNG_FILE_C:7] ERROR: invalid map value '^val_1' in MAP1/BYTEI, expecting 0..255 (0x00..ff)

Same with HWORD btw.

Edited by FantomXR
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