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I'm looking to buy 8 to 10 low profile heatsinks, such as the Fischer Electronik ICK 28 B, which would be suitable for the SID chips within an MB-6582.

The only places I've been able to find them are Retroleum (which sells 24 pin versions) and German sites (Bürklin / Reichelt) where the quoted shipping cost of ~€42 to send to New Zealand seems a bit excessive. Does anyone have a few spares they could sell with reasonable shipping prices to NZ?


- Theo


That is a good option and I have a dremel. If I hadn't placed an order with Retroleum last night I would have gone with that. Thanks for the suggestion.


I used Arctic Silver Adhesive previously. It worked fine, but it is very strong glue, so once glued, heatsinks will be coupled with SIDs forever. I think it's a disadvantage, if one day you wish to sell your SIDs (at least a pictures of them could be taken before gluing).

Using semi-permanent akasa tape seams to be a better idea. Maybe it is not as much thermically conductive, but many people run SIDs without heatsinks at all and do not care.


What if I were to use a nonadhesive thermal paste? Would the paste still keep the heatsinks sufficiently in place or would they be liable to slide off if I move the unit around? 

14 hours ago, Molom said:

What if I were to use a nonadhesive thermal paste? Would the paste still keep the heatsinks sufficiently in place or would they be liable to slide off if I move the unit around? 

nope, don't do that, please! :-)

At some point in time you will have heatsinks flying around in your case, if they are conductive, they might short all kinds of things.

You should be able to get adhesive thermal paste just about anywhere, it is worth the investment (or don't install heatsinks at all).

Many greets,

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