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Aout_ng last CV value - reset to 0V


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I've encountered some behavior with the CV out of which I'm not certain if it's meant to be like that or not. Whenever I mute a channel outputting voltages on a CV output, the voltage stays on the last outputted voltage. When pitching a VCO this is not a big of a deal, because the gate is also muted, and so I can not  hear the pitch. But if I use the CV outputs to drive other parameters (I use the CV out like an envelope of sorts) the outputs stays high. This is of course of influence on parameters that I'm driving. Some modules use the potentiometer as an offset for incoming voltage on their respective CV in. But with a voltage on the input I can not turn the control fully down.

Am I missing a setting regarding CV outs, or is there a workaround to this behavior? Or is there something wrong with my setup? I would like to have a default voltage of 0V whenever a track is muted. Is this possible?

Any pointers appreciated!

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I think the CV staying at the last level is the expected behaviour. Also "off" would mean about -5V in a bipolar mode...

If using a modular, then just pull out the patch cable :). Or solder a switch inline with the cable to shut it off when it's not required. Most modules I know will attenuate (full anticlockwise is 0) or attenuvert (middle is zero), so these are options too.


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Yes, a lot of modern modules have an attenuverter or attenuators on any CV in. But not all! :) Some modules use the potentiometer of the corresponding parameter as an offset for the incoming CV. Like a lot of Doepfers, or in my specific use case the Basimilus Iteritas Alter.

Besides the hardware options, I've also thought of another possible workaround. I think I can try to put a 0V note on the last step of the pattern and sync the mutes to the clock so it's always triggered before a mute.

Pulling out a cable is indeed a viable option, but my use case for live performances leaves me a bit uneased. I'll throw in a switched multiple, that's a little more hands on. See how that works.

Is there also perhaps a more 'firmware' oriented option to make CV-outs default to 0V?

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