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sammich sid - note with inifinite sustain in a sid


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hi guys how are you. Can somebody help me with this problem ? im using stereo because i have 2 sids. But my problem is that when i play any preset (most of them) with one speaker i hear a note always sustained forever, in the other speaker doesnt happens nothing , the note envelope is good . Here you have a video i did showing you what is happening.  My question is , it´s a SID failure ? do you know anyway to fix it or i need to replace ?  maybe i need to do a factory reset ? is possible to do a reset in the sammichSID ? how do it ?¿   thjanks very much,   


in minute 12 you can here the sustained note (never finish) always sounding , not the same in the other speaker (in this speaker the preset has finished sounding)  


Edited by cuca
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dont know because im very carefull with my synths. This failure happened without clear explanation. last time i started the sammichSID was 4 months ago and all was very nice. But this last friday suddenly one of the sid didnt sound as always. So .,.. in the period of 4 months what da hell could happened ? because i always take care and keep my synths with plastic case to prevent dust and humidity. So... don´t know , maybe a internal electronic part of the chip (these chips are very old). 

I have other failed sid with a bug in the volume (very loud volume) that i changed before this one, very strange behaveaurs in these old sid chips. Im praying for enjoy long time with the only one sid i have now. long life please ! ;)

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just a few tips from my own experience:

Make sure not to touch the pins or to create fast friction there. Ground yourself to earth for a few seconds before removing/inserting the chips (for example, 2-3 seconds touching the heater in the room) or better wearing an ESD protection bracelet while working, which is connected e.g. to the heater.


But this last friday suddenly one of the sid didnt sound as always.

Maybe the chip (or even some parts of it inside) just died of old age or just because of an ESD someday.

But you can also check for a cold solder of pins on the board, where by mechanical changes the pins sometimes have contact or not.



Edited by Rio
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