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MBSEQ V4L MkII problems


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I'm trying to get my MBSEQv4L mkII working. The MkII page says (at the start) that it is for use with both LPC17 and STM32F4 boards. Has it been certified that it works also on an LPC17? I'm asking because while the MkII board works ok with my STM32F4 (firmware 088), it doesn't work ok with the LPC17 (firmware 086) I have. The firmware 088 available on the MkII page (end of page) is only for STM32F4, while the MIOS32 download page offers firmware only for LPC17, and its version is 086.

At first I tried to use the MkII board with a STM32F4. Everything was working except for midi in. Midi out was ok, as well as MIDI in via USB. The MkII page says that if there's problems with midi in, make a change in a session file. I did, but it didn't help. What is the midi in problem that requires changing the default session settings?

Anyway, because I couldn't get the midi in working, I tried the MkII board with an LPC17 (firmware 086, the latest one available). However, now the MkII board worked only partly. The cursor LEDs (the red ones) were not lit at any point even though the seq was running, nor could I switch gates on. But it seemed like I could select bar, sequence etc., only that I couldn't switch gates on. Whether that was a problem with just the LEDs (so that a gate gets switched on/off, the LED just doesn't incidate it), or with the buttons as well, I couldn't tell because midi in/out were not working.

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Mkii will not work with the lpc17 unless the software is updated. The coding for the matrix setup is missing from the published app for the lpc17 as it is for the version 1 sequencer lite. Setting the config file with matrix settings returns errors. You can see the errors from mios studio. The app on the wiki mkii is only for the stm32f4. I built one a while back and was looking to use it with my lpc core as well but have not had the time to stumble through updating the code. If you get it working please post the update I would be happy to test it out as I have not built a case yet and the LPC would allow for a smaller case over the STM Core. Would also be interested in a case if you come up with something I have started on an acrylic top but have not been able to get back to it in a while. I wanted clear acrylic so you could see the print on the board as labels. My thought was it would be a cheap affordable case that way. Happy to share what I started on the case but honestly it is not far along I just had the holes on the top laid out. I was still trying to figure out placement as the board holes do not quite line up with the holes on either core for how I was trying to mount it. That is where I got stuck and the full sequencer became available again and I just have not gotten back to the light version to finish it.

Edited by gerald.wert
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I thought it was around somewhere :) for LPC. Sorry about the outdated doku,,,

Could you please try with the attached files? We need to get @TK.'s attention to get a proper build in the SVN.

There may be a problem with MIDI; in this case try:


    MIDI_BUS_Options 0 0x00
    MIDI_BUS_Options 0 0x01



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