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kicad schematic files for MB modules?


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Okay, my google fu is not up to par, and this is my first go at KiCad, but:

I've been trying to find schematic files I can open in KiCad (i.e. not pdf's) for the Midibox modules. How do you all do this?

I "think" it's possible to import the .brd files in KiCad, if I use the nightly build. Not sure what's an efficient work flow.

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i think: the files you see on ucapps, are made by tk, by not using Kicad.


i by me do it this way: open the pdf, and draw it new... dont ask for it - i dont have rebuilt the modules - when i need exact the modules - i buy them...

but for example, i am drawing this shematic right now: CC_Looper.zip

the bad side, is finding the footprints, since there is a lack of wiki use :hmm: - a few have to taken from eagle using this script:

or from different websites


... the footprint for the discovery module can also be found in the net....


i will try to combine the searched stuff in a lib... but i am not that profi to do so at the moment, - its a little bit a mess... hope to find out how to merge different things...

Edited by Phatline
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I've built modules in Kicad from the schematics on Ucapps.de from scratch - just copying the schematics into Kicad.  They're pretty straightforward, and the copying exercise has been a great way to learn Kicad.

If you're interested in DIN or DOUT modules, I could send you my kicad files for this board if you want: 


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Oh, okay. That sounds good. Having the modules was just for a starting point to ensure I'm doing it right, since I've never attempted this before (want to try to squeeze everything I want in with less boards/cabling). I'll try my hand at tracing them and compare it to the files you have. Thanks Phatline & borfo!

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