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[solved] Midi Router not routing buses


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Hello, first of all I have to say THANK YOU to Thorsen for this amazing sequencer and platform. I just finished my build recently and I am already in love with it. Also HUGE thank you to Julian over at thebeast.co.uk for making the front panel at a reasonable rate, it is absolutely gorgeous. However, I'm having an issue with midi routing and I'm hoping someone can help me out. 

I'm trying to send track notes to two synthesizers at the same time. I've set a note track to send to BUS1 Channel 1, and in the midi router I have set IN to Bus1 All channels, and Out to OUT1 All channels. Photos are attached. 
The problem is that I don't get any notes out of OUT1. If I change the track to send directly to OUT1, Channel 1, I can hear the notes. Please help, what am I missing? Also attached is a photo of my build :) 





Edited by msghmr
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Hi there,

great build!

I am not 100% sure, but I think, internal busses can not be used for MIDI Routing. Even if the interfaces are "there", i have not done it before and am not sure, if it is supported, TK. knows more!
Afaik busses are only used for Transposition, Arps and Jamming and always effect internal other tracks only. I'd be pleased if someone would correct me, if i am wrong!

But: what you can do is have a look at FX -> Duplication, this should fit your needs perfectly! I've used it successfully to send out same notes to two samplers on different ports, and you can also edit what is sent, to which port should be duplicated and how many channels should be active during duplication. This can be used for nice effects, like sending alternating notes to different synths and such :)

Many greets,

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Thank you for your response, this is exactly what I'm looking for! There is SO much to play with on this awesome sequencer. I am happy with it beyond words. I was going to program my own sequencer, but here all of the features I want to implement have already been done plus many, many more I never would have thought of in my lifetime. I really appreciate the people here in the forums, everyone's posts really helped me with my build. 

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