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Connecting C64 PSU, and oxidation on boards


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I've done almost all the boards now (3xCore, 3xSID, and others), and want to put them to work. Only thing is, when I started soldering them, I equipped each one with the needed power regulating stuff. Now that the C64 PSU with some mods will take care of the entire power distribution, will some parts need to be removed from the Core & SID boards?

Also, the oxidation on Mikes boards does not go away when rubbing it with a soft eraser, can I just spray Reichelts Lotlack over it to stop spreading or do i need to remove the oxidation first? Can I put the boards in an acidious solution, to let that react with the oxidation, or will it eat the pertinax?

Thanks for your advice.


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you can leave some parts out. Just look at:


The regulators of the cores are replaced by a bridge.

You can leave several parts of the core out, also. But If you already soldered it, it doesn't matter. ::)

Your oxidation problem:

I don't know how hard the oxid is. If it's not so strong, just clean it with pure alcohol (no, don't use your best brandy on that - just take "Spritus" ;D)

After that you can spray it with Loetlack. In fact, the pertinax will never be eaten up (except you take a byte of it). But after using "Loetlack" your soldering is a bit easier.

Hope this helps you ...


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Thanks, i will try that tonight, first i'll use some spiritus, and if that doesn't work i'll go for sanding. That will be a bit tricky, because i already have al the parts stuffed...

What happens if some oxidation remains under the Lotlack? Will it spread, or is it no problem to have a little oxidation? I think it can not spread if I spray it, because there's no more oxygen reacting with the copper right?

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I just recieved my Loetlack too ;D

I got the same problem with some pcb's that have all the parts already soldered onto, but i haven't tried the pencil eraser idea yet. I will try it as soon as possible.

I think using acidic solutions wouldn't be wise because of possible problems with the pH.

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