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Do it yourself open source SID - Announcement


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Great news, a guy called Matthias in the german C64 Forum started a project for a DIY SID based at a Teensy 4 and released prototype PCBs.


If this will be succesfull (they do a lot of succesfull projects) it will be possible to build and flash an emulated SID and also new Oscillator Waveforms, Filter models or whatever.


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Hi Darryl,

No mods needed. Stereo will work like the fpgasid, so you just need to use one slot and connect one cable from the core

12 hours ago, dwestbury said:

This project has some real potential. It will be important to see how compatible these chips will be with MIDIBox.
I know there’s special MIOS code for SwimSID. Wonder if any mods will be needed to use this board?

Thanks for sharing @Noise-Generator!


Special MIOS Code? Are you sure? I know that there is a special SwinSID firmware for better filters with the swinsid...

You just need a top pcb (not sure if it's possible to build at a breadboard, it's no magic but maybe in case of lack of space) for a teensy 4 and the code which is in development. I've got an eye at this project and keep this thread up to date for news and if there a new pcb orders.

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23 hours ago, Noise-Generator said:

Special MIOS Code? Are you sure? I know that there is a special SwinSID firmware for better filters with the swinsid...

Don't know why I said MIOS code, I actually meant a special firmware config...

I noticed these lines in the .asm file that would need to be tweaked to support SwinSID.

	;; 0: SwinSID extensions disabled
	;; 1: SwinSID extensions enabled

	;; 0: only waveform 0-8 selectable
	;; 1: waveform 0-15 selectable (e.g. for selecting additional SwinSID Waveforms)

Was just wondering whether this teensy project would be 'drop in compatible' or possibly require similar tweaks.

Thanks again @Noise-Generator for raising awareness of this project and offering to keep the forums updated!


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You're right. Than this is because Swinsid includes some more Waveforms, did not know that.

Yes this is a great project and yes if you mean with mod to modify the code, of course because you can also program more waveforms into the free sid. 

The cool thing about an emulated sid is that you can make it bigger, better and whatever but this also means to add program lines inside the menu. But, at the moment, this project is just announced. The first batch of pcbs are ordered and will be send to everybody which ordered one and than the alpha software will be created. It is also possible that the pcb will get an update and be sure that there will be a new batch in a month or 6 weeks, maybe...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

This is becoming a promising endeavor!

Total BOM costs include, the Teensy4 @ ~$20 USD, the PCB @ $17.50 USD, plus some pins and SMD parts.

So, still a bit more expensive than the average street price for a Nano SwinSIDb, but Teensy4's will get cheaper soon and someone may already be planning a bulk order of PCBs soon, which would reign in the costs quite a bit.

The most important consideration in my view is this being a live projects, with active development.

There's always the possibility that FreeSID could come out sounding significantly better than SwinSID.

Anxious to hear examples if anyone winds up building one or otherwise getting their hands on some.



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