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Stop knobs board


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My English is not very good. I am trying to build an electronic stop knobs board. If I press a knob I want a signal to my grandorgue program. Later on I want to connect leds to indicate the state of the button.

I made board, soldiered the button switch and connected them to a dio_matirix. The lpc17 had an old bootloader with midio128. I succeeded in installing midibox NG. The file "default.mio" was still on the SD card so I deleted it.

The stop knobs (buttons) are not working out of the box. All the column buttons send the same note.

I read a lot of manuals, but I do not get clear where to start. Probably edit the "default.ngc"....


Any help is appreciated.








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I dowloaded the project.hex (midibox_ng) and it was installed correctly. It created new default.bin and default.ngc on my sdcard.

I read the documentation and I studied the default.ngc.

If I press a (knob) button I would expect the folowing results: keynotes between C2 (36) and D#7 (100). This is not the case. All outputs result in keynotes C1 ... G1 (24..2b) (only 8 notes).

Why o why?



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new idea: I switched on the following in default.ngc:

DIN_MATRIX n= 1   rows=8  inverted_sel=0  inverted_row=0  mirrored_row=0 \
                   sr_dout_sel1= 1 sr_dout_sel2= 0  sr_din1= 1 sr_din2= 0
DIN_MATRIX n= 2   rows=8  inverted_sel=0  inverted_row=0  mirrored_row=0 \



result: no output at all when I press the buttons.

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I'm no expert but I think your definition is wrong.

You need a EVENT_* in order to send MIDI events.


Try this:

#definition of buttons matrix

DIN_MATRIX n=1 rows=8 sr_dout_sel1=1 sr_din1=1 button_emu_id_offset=1001 #defines which SR to use and the hw_id of switches from 1001 to 1064

#definition for EVENT_BUTTON starting from id 1001

EVENT_BUTTON id= 1001 type= CC chn= 1 cc= 0 range= 0:127 button_mode=OnOff #this sends a MIDI CC on address 0 on channel 1 when first button of DIN_MATRIX is pressed


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I guess you are right. I am going to try. It was one step forward two steps back: I troubleshooted the bootloader (which was not necessary) and it took me a lot of time to get it working properly again.

i am going to try your suggestions: it looks good.


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No genius, thank you everything is explained in the documentation on ucapps.de even if I think some parts are not very clear.

But now that you have a starting point you can experiment with all the possibilities that midibox NG can give you.

Take the time to read the User Manual several times.

And look at the examples on this page:



Have fun!




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