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handle multiple Mididevices (up to 16) Thrubox? Merge? M16?...


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i need to handle up to 16 (MIOS32) Devices, The OUT >>> Thrubox is the simple thing (i think), is that Shematic correct? (ignore the boxes on the rightside, these are Shroudet Pinheaders to cable my devices with Ribboncables...since that is cheaper then the DIN-Thing)


I know there will be a M16-Module, but i think for my task it is a bit overkill (maybe on price...)


but what is when i have 16 MIDI-IN to handle, merge isnt possible or?, or is it possible to adress 16 MidiinPorts on a STM32F4?

else it will be M16 in the end....


background: I need to copy/route Patches (arreys of Data) from one Device to the other. (a recordet Envelope, Size off [4][4096]), dont really know at the moment how to achive that (Sysex?)

there is one Remote Device, and 16 Slaves.... - so the data should be sent from one Slave to the Remote Device, and from the Remote Device there it will be sent to one of the other Slaves.... (they share the same PSU)






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Except that I pretty sure you can remove some of the schmitt inverter buffers, you can do this. ;)
If the target MIDI devices have different MIDI channels they will receive separated Voices messages.
If the target MIDI devices are some midibox cores then just change their ID, as they can receive different SYSEX too.

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Just now, Antichambre said:

Except that I pretty sure you can remove some of the schmitt inverter buffers, you can do this. ;)
If the target MIDI devices have different MIDI channels they will receive separated Voices messages.
If the target MIDI devices are some midibox cores then just change their ID, as they can receive different SYSEX too.

Ah... i thought they have to be inverted back, thinking of the signal is 180° "inverted" and has to be "inverted again"...

(yes Midibox cores...) Good to know that the ID will manage the Sysex "Channel"!

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