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Problem with USB Module (Win2000)


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Hi all,

back again on the ground.

I have some troubles with the USB Module. I build four of them but I get NONE to work.

Operating System Win2000.

First everything looked great. I connected the module and installed the driver. The driver is named: "Cypress EZ-USB (2131Q/2131S/2135S) - EEPROM missing "

The I started the EZ control-panel and did the download, did the "Vend Req" thing, and burned the eeprom as told in TK's "How to.."

Still everything seemed to be fine.

I closed the Control panel. and did a restart on Win 2000

(German: "Alles gut macht der Boot..." ;D

After the restart I looked in midi-Ox for the new Audio-Device. It should be there, or not ?

I didn't found a new device anywhere.

The USB Module is still in the device manager with the name: "Cypress EZ-USB (2131Q/2131S/2135S) - EEPROM missing "

OK. Then I tried the second USB module with the same problems.

The I tryed to do the eeprom grocess again. Now I have several problem. After doing the download, I didn't get the system to do the "Vend Req". When I open the "Show pending" Windows I see that it's still pending. Nothing I can do against this.

I tryed all the programming steps again on another midiport. I reprogrammed the eeproms again and still had now new "Audio device".

On the new USB Port I tried to programm once again. But the second time I still have the "Show Pending" - problem.

What shall I do  ???

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Hi Doc,

it could be a problem with Win2k, because two other users reported the same problem, they are not able to get the MBHP_USB running under this OS. One of them tried the same module under WinME, and there it works fine.

It also works under WinXP and Linux - so it must be a M$ issue.

Maybe the Microsoft Knowledge base gives you some input?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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P.S.: if there are vendors which also provide a USB interfaced based on the standardized USB MIDI protocol, you will maybe found a troubleshooting guide (or an alternative driver) on their site.

I haven't found the time to search for such solutions yet (since I don't have access to a Win2k computer, I cannot test it)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanks again,

...the M$ Knowledge Base gave nothing new for me. Still searching ....

But theres something I tried:

I searched the forum for other users having simular problems.

I tried to download the .hex file (instead of eeprom the iic file). After that win2000 recognizes a USB Audio device.

Sure it's gone after power down. But now I think I have a problem with the EEPROMing. Am I right ?

Do you think, that the strange behavior in the control-panel depends on the operating system , too ?

(The problem, that the usb always hangs after the "Vend Req" Button pressed. The Pending Operations window displayes: " Pending: Opindex=46: Optype=3=Vendor Request ").

I think I'm not able to load the EEPROM then. I don't know, what this "Vend Req"-thing does exactly, but can I program the EEPROM with my "universal programmer" instead ? (I have a ELV programmer which supports several EEPROMS from microchip).


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Hi Doc,

very interesting.

Yes, you can burn the EEPROM with any programmer, it could also be programmed via a MIOS core like a BankStick (which would solve D2k's problem), but for this I've to prepare a special .syx file

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I don't know the ELV programmer, if it can ready .hex, then use the .hex file, if it allows to upload a binary, then use the .iic file

However, I've now uploaded a new package version of MBHP_USB which contains a .syx file with the V1.1 firmware

Just follow the instructions which are given in the README.txt


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi TK,

sorry to disturb you again.

I still don't get my four USB Modules to work. None of them.

I tried it now on Win2000 (2 different PC's), on WinXP and on a old Win98.

Today I tryed to program the eeprom with the .syx MIOS file. This part works fine. But when I plug the EEPROM in the USB modul, the PC recognizes still a "Cypress EZ-USB (2131Q/2131S/2135S) - EEPROM missing " device.

No way to get a "USB Audiodevice".

As mentioned before: When I download the mbhp_usb.hex file with the EZUSB Control Panel, the PC recognizes a "USB Audiogeraet" (and it works fine till power down  ;))

So the problem doesn't seem to be the eeprom. But what else ?

Back to the EZ Control Center I start again doing the stuff told in your "How to ..." file.

The steps:

1.) Plug in the USB device without EEPROM (PC recognizes: "Cypress EZ-USB (2131Q/2131S/2135S) - EEPROM missing " device"

2.) I start the EZUSB panel, plug in the eeprom and press download to upload the vend_ax.hex file.

The output window tells a lot of hex stuff and ends with:

"Toggle 8051 reset"

When I press the "Get dev" Button (just to test) I get the following messages:

Device Descriptor:  

bLength:  18

bDescriptorType:  1

bcdUSB:  256

bDeviceClass:  0xff

bDeviceSubClass:  0xff

bDeviceProtocol:  0xff

bMaxPacketSize0:  0x40

idVendor:  0x547

idProduct:  0x2131

bcdDevice:  0x4

iManufacturer:  0x0

iProduct:  0x0

iSerialNumber:  0x0

bNumConfigurations:  0x1

I'm not able to send the Vedor Request things anymore. This only worked the first time.

I only can send a Vendor Request with the following param.:

Req 0xA9 Value 0x0000 Index 0xBEEF Length 1 Dir 1 IN Hex Bytes FF

Then I get a message:

Vendor Request

0000 CD

--- why CD and not FF ??

If I send a Venor Rrq. with Dir 0 Out

nothing happens anymore. The chip "hangs"

When I open the Pending window it shows the Pending message:

Pending: OPindex=51 : OP Index = 3 = Vendor Request

That was it. Theres no change to do something more. You have to disconnect /connect the module again.

Don't know what to do now.

Are the Cypress chips faulty (all four ??) ?

Is there a way to 'delete' the cypress chip and the eeprom just to start from new ??

Why does it work when I download the mbhp_usb.hex file ?

What is the "VendReq" thing. Why does it only work once ?

A lot of questions for now. I have to wait for the answers and do something else instead.....



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Your Chip is working and it's normal that the vendor request hangs up when the vend_ax.hex firmware is not loaded.

Once the MBHP_USB firmware is running, the control panel will report, that no Cypress device is detected... so it seems that the firmware is not loaded from EEPROM during power-on.

I guess that there is a problem between the EEPROM and the cypress chip, could you please measure the voltages at pin 1 & 8 (-> 3.3V against Vss) and 2, 3, 4, 7 (-> -3.3V against Vdd) first?

The voltages at Pin 5 & 6 should also be 3.3V against Vss (the EEPROM will only be accessed during the first miliseconds after reset)

See also: http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_usb.pdf

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thank you again for your quick replay,

I checked the voltages. I have only 3.0 - 3.15 V. Could this be the problem ?

By checking the schematic against your layout I recognized, that PIN 2,3,4 are connected to ground in the schematic. But not on the PCB layout. There only pin 4 is connected to ground. Pin 2 and 3 and 7 are going to the 100n cap and a 470 Ohm resistor near the power led.

Is this correct ?

Here are the result of the Voltage check:

EEPROM in his socket:

Gnd from the Power connector:

Gnd - Pin1,8 = 3.2 V

Pin 1(+3.3V) - Pin 2,3 = 0 V (!?)

Pin 1(+3.3V) - Pin 4 = 3.2V

Gnd - Pin5 = 3.2V

Gnd - Pin6 = 3.2V

Pin1 - Pin7 = 0V

Do you think the same. 8) Could it be the layout ?

Can you check this ?

Thanks again


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I have it !!! :D :D :D

It's really the layout  :P

I connected Pin 3 and 4 of the eeprom together and guess what .....

It worked !

(Now the Power LED is lightning...I didn't recognized this damned LED till now !)

Now the EZ Control Panel worked fine and I get 2 times 0000 FF and the eeprom is programmed also !

I'm happy ! ::)

Could you please check the layout. I think the pins should be connected there also.

Thanks again,


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