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Sid device id´s??


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Hi there.

Just starting to build the step C SID´s

A question about the sid´s device id´s:

Ok...I burn the bootstrap on all the 4 18f452... that´s clear..... ;)

The device id isn´t in the bootstrap?

So The sid´s cannot be linked together when i dowload the mios and the sid firware or?? ???

When the Mios and the sid´s device and firmware is there, must I disconnect all the slaves everytime when a new firmware is realesed or?

Must ask before the  soldering is finished......

Hope anyone understand this question... ;)



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so long as the MIOS ID of the slaves is different from the MIOS ID of the master core, you can program the chips through the master (MB Link has to be enabled). Note that this requires also a different "-device_id" when using the hex2syx.pl script.

The SID slave IDs have to be different anyhow.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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the device ID is on the primary bootstrap ! You have to burn it on the PIC first.

Master = id0

slave1 = id1

slave2 = id2

slave3 = id3

The further options depend on your hardware. Take a look at ucapps Mios Bootstrap loader.

After the pics are burned you have to 'pearl' the MIOS

four times with a different device id (don't forget the -os_upload switch - it's explained in the readme)

The sids can be linked together except in one step: When you 'sysEx' the different id's after the mios is loaded.

You also have to 'pearl' the SID Application four times with different id's. So there is no problem when you upload a new firmware.

Hope I got everthing right.


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Hi there!

Don´t understand this.... :-[

In the main.asm for the sid I can change the device id:

      ;; here you can change the default device ID - if you are using
      ;; some cores as slave, set:
      ;;    o DEFAULT_DEVICE_ID 0x01      ; for the first slave
      ;;    o DEFAULT_DEVICE_ID 0x02      ; for the second slave
      ;;    o DEFAULT_DEVICE_ID 0x03      ; for the third slave
#define DEFAULT_DEVICE_ID 0x00

But how do I change the device in the MIOS 1.5b..

Read the topics about this but I must be stupid. ;)


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