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Change the device again...


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Hi there again.

The sid device can I change in the sid files(for the 18f452).

But how do I change the device in the mios, is the easy way and use the "change_id_v1.4" or..

I been looking for this topic and found plenty, but I must be stupid can´t figured it out!!! :-[



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normaly the MIOS device ID has to be specified when burning the bootstrap loader (see also the Bootstrap Loader help page), but the change_id application allows you to set a new ID w/o using a PIC programmer.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I have read the asm file and it seems that I'm good with just typing

>perl hex2syx.pl main.hex -device_id 0x01

i get the following:

Block 003000-0033FF allocated - Checksum: 0F

Block 003400-0037FF allocated - Checksum: 08

I then upload this after mios 1.8v boots (after 'Ready' appears)

but i do this and nothing happens in the LCD. Is that it? Is the device_id changed now? I use mac's SysEx librarian so there is no way for me to read the values inside the mios except thru the LCD.

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That should be it. Just try to get an app up there and running, should do it.

Do you have no MIDI monitor? There should be some also for MAC. The device ID can be seen in particular MIDI streams from the core (e.g. the first Midi message you get after switching on).

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OK this is what I'm doing:

I have pic18's that I want to be 1, 2, and 3 with regards to device id.

I have already uploaded the MIOS v1.8 as it comes in .syx format from the download page. (when I try to upload a mios.syx file that I have used hex2syx.pl -os_upload -device-id 0x0[id] I get no response from the pic/core/LCD at all (just the black bars, or if mios is already uploaded, it boots straight to mios ingoring my new attempt at uploading)

in the change_id folder, I use the command >perl hex2syx -device_id 0x0[id] main.hex and I get the resulting main.syx file.

I have tried uploading this change_id file during the 2-second boot phase, after that when mios is "ready" or even after that when a SID app is already on with "Internal Patch" written on the screen.

all 3 ways don't seem to change the 8 byte string that starts when the pic boots, which i've read tells you what device id it is. in my case, I get this:

00 F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7

when i have a sid app uploaded (in which I have changed the device id with the MPLAB IDE to the correct ID inside the .asm file) i get the following 13 messages:

00  F0 00 00 7E 40 00 01 F7     

00  F0 00 00 7E 46 01 0D 00  00 00 F7 

00  F0 00 00 7E 46 01 0D 01  00 00 F7

00  F0 00 00 7E 46 01 0D 02  00 00 F7

[then a big one i won't type out that is onviously the "Internal Patch" screen]

and this cycle of the above 4 messages cycles 3 times.

my question is: what should i get to identify what the device id is, and what am i doing wrong that can't change the device id? 

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Hi Tarzan,

I´m not sure if I understood correctly, but do you try to change the ID by just using hex2syx -device_id on the change_id main file? If yes, this is the problem. by the device_id option you only specify the target of the upload, so if the core has x00 ID and you send a file with a slave id, it will ignore the upload.

This is how it works:

the change_id application is uploaded on application level, that means first you have to have MIOS on all 4 cores.

Then the best way to make sure the upload reaches the correct slave is to connect one slave core after the other directly to midi - not over the link cable. Put an optocoupler on the slave core and use the normal midi connector (J13). Connect the LCD to the respective core. Make sure MIOS is running.

Then you have to compile 3 different versions of the change_id app. Change the device ID in the source code of main.asm and compile it using MPLAB. then use hex2syx WITHOUT specifying a -device_id. So you have compiled an application to change e.g. a core with ID 00 to ID 01. Upload this file while MIOS is running (after the READY. shows in the display). The core should do a reset (if not, power down and up one time) and show a message "New Device ID: 0000000001".

Now that the ID is set, you can upload the SID application again, this time using the "setup_8580_slave1.syx" file.

Do this for all three slaves and then connect everything in the normal way again.

Hope this helps :)


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very clear explanation, thanks. I actually figured out half of it last night just before bed; i realized the onething i hadnt tried was recompiling the change-id app with mplab ide with different device-ids in the asm file. Once i did this it worked peachy.

However now i am at the point where mios is telling me "READY" but i am unable to upload my prepared slave sid apps. I changed the device-id in mplab for those (i think i did anyway, i did a lot of stuff last night) but still the core is ignoring my upload.

btw- i am using only the pics and one core to make sure i'm interfacing the pic directly; i dont have them linked up yet.

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did you see the "New Device ID" message on the display yet? because if your cores still show "Ready", they don´t have any (also not the change_id) application running. So are you really sure the cores have the correct IDs set? If an upload is ignored, this mostly means the device ids still don´t match.

About the SID app: If you didn´t do any modifications to the software, you don´t need to compile it yourself. The existing setup files take care about everything that is needed for slaves. Just choose 6581 or 8580 and the correct slave#  files.

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new device id did indeed appear ,then i reinstalled the mios v1.8 with corresponding device_id  successfully; i'm not getting a sysex message telling me the correct id too. and although it wasnt responding last night to the pic i was using, today all 3 are working with the corresponding sid slave syx files (i'm using the 303beta9 since it apparently has a bug fix i need)

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