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MidiBox Seq V4 Strange DrumNote Drop-outs.


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Hey all,

So, I've been running into this problem with my midibox-seq lately. I haven't used it basically at all last year, and when picking it back up recently, I've been getting a bunch of drum drop outs. 
Here's a video of the issue in question
-This happens no matter what kind of drum track I choose
-Really fast Note tracks aren't effected. 
-The unit works great with this exception, and has previously been fine. I've tried this across a few different drum machines, but they all seem to be having the same issue. 

At first I though it might be because of certain drum machines not accepting the shorter version of midi messages, but I don't think that's the case? Both drum machines work fine with my other sequencer. 

This is the STM32F4 core, all boards from Modular Addict. 
Is this maybe a firmware issue? or something dumb in track settings that I'm missing?

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