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MBNG Touchscreen Controller Support


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Talking of touchscreen graphical lcds,

here's some that www.crystalfontz.com do:


128x64 STN Positive Gray, Transflective, Wide Temperature, White EL Backlit LCD Module with 4-wire analog resistive touchscreen



Ultra thin and light TAB construction

Very Compact Dimensions:

56.0mm x 42.5mm Module Outline (less tab)

52.0mm x 33.5mm Viewing Area

47.76mm x 30.29mm Active Area

0.35mm x 0.40mm Dot Pitch

Available in several variations of backlight and polarizer

Available in normal or wide temperature versions

Wide viewing angles

Built-in controller: Samsung KS0713 (data sheet 850K)

Great for hand held instruments, cell phones, PDAs, etc.

Ultra low power consumption

Printable 1:1 Acrobat template: CFAX12864C_one_to_one.pdf

** $36.09 (USD) **

small enough for some weird fangled 'pocket' size project.. could be a fun one to think up uses for :]

{mmm.. how about a pocket midimonitor or basic drum machine 'fruityloops' style sequencer - controlled mostly through touchscreeen ? :)}

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In my travels as a coin op game tech, I have worked with all types of touchscreens (resistive, capacitive, and infrared) and I have learned a few things about the differences:

Most smaller (under 12 inches) touch screens are the resistive type, and they work poorly with finger touch, but great with a stylus or other similar device.  Palm pilots and the like have resistive screens.

Most larger touch screens (almost all that are used on a CRT) are capacitive, those work great with finger touch but a stylus or other hard object will ruin most of them quickly.

Infrared screens are a whole different animal, and are usually only used where extreme durability is required.  They use a line of leds along two edges and a line of phototransistors along the other two edges.  Obviously not used with CRT's because of the curvature of the tube, and the resolution is typically half or less of the other types.  Infrared screens are the only type that are repairable if damaged.

Most of my experience is with Microtouch brand capacitive screens, but I have successfully interfaced both capacitive (with a Microtouch controller) and infrared (with a Vishay/Dale controller) to the lighting controller with a little work in MAX.  With all types the controller must match the screen you are working with, and with capacitive and resistive it must be calibrated to your screen.

Most of the ELO brand screens use the same technology and control/data schemes as Microtouch, which can be as simple as an RS-232 serial interface feeding a number for X position then a number for Y position.  You can usually kick the controller into more complex modes of communication though, like "send data only on touch or change" mode, or "extrapolate data around this dead spot" mode.....  ;)

Some screens/controllers also send pressure data, but this is so closely related to temperature and the operator's ground potential that it is useless in most applications. (speaking from experience, might be different in areas of different climate than mine)

Sorry for the novel-size message, just trying to pass on some things that might help...... :)

Have Fun!


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