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a few questions from a newbie

Guest oozi

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hi there,

i have a few questions about the MB64seq.

i've been looking for a hardware X0X-style stepsequencer to sequence the kick, snare & hihat on my Quasimidi 309 in realtime, and the midibox64seq seems like an ideal tool for this..

but b4 i throw myself on this project i'd like to know of it's achievable for a non-solderer like myself, and if it's gonna do what i want it to do.

- can i set each sequencer row to a different midi channel?

- can i program the sequencer to send note-on messages on each step, and have the pot send the velocity value, so that a totally left position of the knob is effectively a note-off message?

- is it possible to program a global-type accent on a sequencer row, like on the TR-X0X series?

- looking at the list of needed MBHP modules listed on the MBHP pages, i'd need everything for the MB64 except the SID module & the MF module. if i just use one setup for the MB64seq, would i need the bankstick module?

- if i were to order the neccessary MBHP modules from www.mikes-elektronikseite.de i'd have everything except the buttons, pots, leds, LCD & case. how much would the rest cost me? average quality materials, excluding case.

- how much work would i have to do to fit together the modules from www.mikes-elektronikseite.de? and do they come completely assembled?

thnx for the info, and great compliments on your work with the MBHP. great stuff! makes me wish i knew a bit more about elektronix...

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Hi Oozi,

- can i set each sequencer row to a different midi channel?

yes - you can either use the MIDI learn function to assign a different MIDI event with a different channel to the row, or you can configure the appr. settings via MIDI dump.

- can i program the sequencer to send note-on messages on each step, and have the pot send the velocity value, so that a totally left position of the knob is effectively a note-off message?

Yes, each row/track has three layers (functions): Note Value, Velocity, Gatetime. With the gatetime you are able to vary the note length; overlapping notes are not supported, but on overlaps first the new note will be played, thereafter the note off event of the last note will be sent. This is perfect for HiHat rhythms (and for TB303-like slides :))

- is it possible to program a global-type accent on a sequencer row, like on the TR-X0X series?

What does the accent function exactly? Does it vary the velocity?

- looking at the list of needed MBHP modules listed on the MBHP pages, i'd need everything for the MB64 except the SID module & the MF module. if i just use one setup for the MB64seq, would i need the bankstick module?

The BankStick is not required, but still usefull if you want to save your sequences without sysex dump via PC. However, it can be left out... Suggested modules: Core, JDM, two AINX4, one DINX4, one DOUTX4 (two if you want to have a LED under each pot), maybe a LTC module for the MIDI In/Out LEDs.

- if i were to order the neccessary MBHP modules from www.mikes-elektronikseite.de i'd have everything except the buttons, pots, leds, LCD & case. how much would the rest cost me? average quality materials, excluding case.

For 64 pots with knobs, 32 buttons, 32 LEDs, 1 LCD: about 50-100 EUR (the knobs and the case are the most expensive parts)

- how much work would i have to do to fit together the modules from www.mikes-elektronikseite.de? and do they come completely assembled?

Experienced people need about one week, the others maybe longer - it depends on your ambition :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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hi Thorsten,

thnx for the reply!


What does the accent function exactly? Does it vary the velocity?

the accent function on an X0X drum machine does vary the velocity. it's 1 sequencer track in which you can program the steps in which the accent will ben on. ehen this step is reached, all sounds are played at a louder level. so it works globally on all sounds, which, in my opinion, gives the X0X drum boxes a large part of their specific charm.. in the TB-303 however, the accent also affects the filter and the sustain; i.e. when the accent is on, the sustain is cut  short, and the filter makes that characteristic 303-tweak..but what i mean is the drummachine style accent. kind of a programmable velocity boost on all channels..


The BankStick is not required, but still usefull if you want to save your sequences without sysex dump via PC. However, it can be left out... Suggested modules: Core, JDM, two AINX4, one DINX4, one DOUTX4 (two if you want to have a LED under each pot), maybe a LTC module for the MIDI In/Out LEDs.


Best Regards, Thorsten.

i'm not quite clear on the function of the LTC module. what would be the added value of this module? would it make reprogramming the machine for different functions easier? or would it be possible to reprogram via SysEx? because i'm quite comfortable using & interpreting SysEx, and i have a feeling that using another protocol would only confuse me..

thnx for the advice!

& once again my big ups for the MBHP; it's by far the most flexible midi-controller platform i know!  & pretty cheap too!

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- if i were to order the neccessary MBHP modules from www.mikes-elektronikseite.de i'd have everything except the buttons, pots, leds, LCD & case. how much would the rest cost me? average quality materials, excluding case.

- how much work would i have to do to fit together the modules from www.mikes-elektronikseite.de? and do they come completely assembled?

Oozi - the modules from www.mikes-elektronikseite.de are ONLY the printed circuit boards. They are not kits with all the necessary parts. You will still need to buy the PIC, and all the resistors, capacitors, IC's etc.  You will also need some method of programming the PIC. On the other hand, this project can be done by a beginner - especially if you purchase the printed circuit boards. Some practice in soldering will be neccessary, and I would highly recommend purchasing a digital multimeter to check voltages and checking the circuits.

i'm not quite clear on the function of the LTC module

The LTC module gives you leds for Midi In and out Activity. It also gives you a Midi thru port, an extra Midi out port and (if you need it) a COM port interface for a direct connection to your computer. It doesn't change the way you program the module. You can always program it with SYSEX.

makes me wish i knew a bit more about elektronix...

if you build this project, you will learn!

Good Luck...


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Oozi, I stand corrected! I just went back to the website and noticed that kits are available at www.chris-elektronikseite.de . It appears as if all the components are already installed. You would only need basic soldering skills to connect the Pots, Faders, LEDs, and LCD to the modules. You would also need a power supply and some way of programming the PIC.


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thnx goyousalukis!

that was pretty much the info i was looking for. i have a digital multimeter and i also kinda know how to use it...

but i was mainly pretty apprehensive about having to solder a whole circuit board together, let alone a bunch of them. i mean, i can connect some stuff and do basic mods to my gear, just following instructions and schematics, but i'm no engineer and this project looked pretty ambitious..

but i've decided to go for it.

jst do a bit of designing, save some cash and order the parts!  

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hey oozi...

i'm in the same boat mate - my first proper outting with a soldering iron to...

I don't have any EE exprience at all but i'm still gonna avva go - even to the point of makin my own pcb's...

Without adoubt this wanting to learn how to do it is cos of the ingenious of the MBHP...

Props to the one like Thorsten!!

Good luck fella!!

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thnx d2k, and good luck back at ya!

i've got good hopes for this project now, as i've been modding some gear in the past couple of days and i didn't wreck a single thing! this soldering thing is really easy once you get the hang of it..

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  • 2 weeks later...

unfortunately the kits from www.chris-elektronikseite are NOT pre installed.

you get the pcb's + all required capacitors, resistors, etc. for each module.

but you'll have to buy the PIC, knobs, potentio's, etc

yourself because you can determine yourself how many you want, well limited to the max the Midibox can handle ;)

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oh i'm sorry.

the PIC is delivered with the core-module, but not the one on the JDM module.

There should also be some 'thing' (don't know how to call it) on the JDM module, right?

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The JDM is used to program the PIC of the core module you can either:

remove the PIC from the core

insert on the JDM

then burn your firmware & insert the PIC back on the core


Use the in-circuit programmer cable to connect the jdm directly to the core and program the PIC without removing it from the core

So the JDM does not require a PIC to be inserted if you use the second method.

The JDM is merely a programming interface between your PC and the PIC

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