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Really complicated Midibox made REALLY SIMPLY


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Hi, I designed a midibox that has about 200 functions on deck including launching windows apps, tabbing from reason to cubase, typing text etc AND I DONT KNOW A HECK ABOUT MIOS! ;D

The solution is software drivers. I use a very simple VISUAL BASIC program that I made in a couple of days that sits on the system tray and filters all the midi comming out of my midibox and treats it in very simple basic code (I'm not even good at that, but plenty of tutorials online).

I enjoy this method and think it can get a lot of potential out of a simple midibox (mine has only one ain and one din).

I'm currently working on using midi out (of visual basic) for animating leds in the most unlimited way.

Here is an example of what you could do in a couple of minutes:

Use 10 DIN encoders that decrease or increase the values of selected (via din) tracks. This allows dozens of tweaks made to only one track, or two, or 200 !!!

WORD OF ATTENTION: I really think MIOS rocks and is irreplacable for we couldn't go without it,

but thought I would suggest my Newbie friendly approach...

you guys might of heard about ghost mouse (mouse movement recorder and player)


loop while(producer = unhappy){

if (turn knob1) then load reason (song4.rns), export it to wave, email it to producer;

If producer = unhappy -> goto start;



ps: look for mabry's free midi IO for visual basic

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I do the same with MAX all the time, some of the MIDI strings I need to send with one button press are very long (I run stage lighting with my boxes).  

Even a simple Blackout button has to send at least one note off for every fixture on stage!

The "fixture initialize" button on the controllers has to send a value for every DMX address on the show, and on the typical layout that's 128+ values that are sent with one button press.

Without MAX in between the control surface and the DMX convertor handling things, my life would be very tough, or at least require 10 times the amount of buttons!  ;)

With a translate/filter like you are doing (system-wide control), it opens up the midibox to control so much non-midi system things, and programs that were never intended to use a control surface.

Might be time to examine the MB as a lower cost, more versatile, individually customizeable input solution for the disabled/handicapped.  Everything currently on the market built for this is extremely expensive.....

Have fun!


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I've heard about MAX/MSP, but don't really get what it does. Been to the site and surf around, it seems like a music software.

With a translate/filter like you are doing (system-wide control), it opens up the midibox to control so much non-midi system things, and programs that were never intended to use a control surface.

Does it mean i can use it to map the Midi event to keyboard presses?



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