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I cant ooorder it!


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Hi everbody

I have one big problem:  ???  ???   ???  ???

I want to have thecheapestdealeveryfromsmashtv the1d$Encodersincludingswitches

(I hope that hold of the dirt)

Ok I surf to his site and want to order this babys and when it goes to the moment - where to pay -

I only findthewordsCreditCard, so I havent a Card-

Ok I regestry my selfbypayball-and they also want from me this F********in Card.

Has anybodypayedsomethingbyhimwithoutcreditcard-then please help me out-

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I have only purchased with CC.

Don't get so upset, everyone around here is willing to help. I bet Smash himself would be the best to contact and more than willing to help.

If you check the members list on page 6 his email is listed.

Or you can just let me search it for you.

(mailto: ucapps@coinoptech.com)

I know your frustration with CCs, I know lots of people with the same problems when it comes to corporate webbuys.

.....But, hey Smash is not a corporate profiteer, and I know if you ask nicely he should give you some answers.


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Its not so easy-evertime when i want to pm him i get the message"..username....ignoerlist..." so i cant pm him- and I wrote him the last times to email-

but the problem is not solved.... :-/

No clue what's up with the PM, my prefs are set like this, I never tinkered with them:


I just shipped several orders to Germany in the last few weeks that were paid via bank transfer-> PayPal.

Hopefully one of these guys could speak up now and let us know how it worked (Did you sign up for a PayPal account with just your bank account, etc).  PayPal only shows me what's available in the US, so I have no idea where to find these options on the German PayPal site.



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Hi Smash, everyone.

PayPal has different features for the citizens of the different countries. I was all excited about PayPal first. Well I don't have a credit card (In Finland you have full citizenship even without a Credit Card ;)) and thought that PayPal could help.. No way: It turned out that in Finland you still need Credit Card to transfer funds to PayPal account - so no luck there..

Non-U.S. Members. Users in Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland may add funds to their PayPal account by initiating a bank transfer from their banking institution to their PayPal account.
From: http://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=p/gen/ua/policy_payments-outside

Bye, Moebius

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"Non-U.S. Members. Users in Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Switzerland may add funds to their PayPal account by initiating a bank transfer from their banking institution to their PayPal account.  "

That means I must Transfair the money to payball-

Then Payball have the money-

Then I order by smash

Then I hope the money go from payball to smash

Or whatt?????????

Is this in function-Has everone tried this?

I´m not from Germany-I am from Austria- german speaking

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Nope it won't help you. If you don't have bank account for example in Germany or Switzerland you can't transfer money from a bank account to PayPal account.

So you must search for alternative way. Bank cheque maybe? BUT then, those alternative payment methods are usually SO expensive that it's better to find a local supplier.

You are in so called Euro zone, so you can transfer money from you bank account to other contries using Euro (and other EU countries, if account you are transferring to is Euro account) and it costs you the same as a money transfer inside your country. So I would look for encoders from www.voti.nl.

Bye, Moebius

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Hey Phattline!

That means I must Transfair the money to payball-

Then Payball have the money-

Then I order by smash

Then I hope the money go from payball to smash

Or whatt

Is this in function-Has everone tried this?

It works almost the other way round:

1. You get an account at Paypal (you have to give them your account data).

2. You order from SmahTV

3. You get an e-mail from paypal.

4. You transfer the money to paypal.

5. Smash gets the mony... ands sends you the encs.

I've tried it (from Germany).

I´m not from Germany-I am from Austria- german speaking

Ups. Don't know anythin about austrian payball...

But I've also some encoders from voti. They are really ok.


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Hi is there no other Austrian Midiboxer- or everbody is taking his CC and by some ofdeeeeopfermidicontrollers....  ;D just a joke

I have tried it up to 20 turns- to get something - I forget it now because:

It´s easy:

I think Payyyball is thinking:"Austria is a rich land, more money then in Germany in percent, that means all people in austria are running around with platin CCs, and no man are so in the last centaury and transfair money from bank to bank with a simple sheet of paper- because all austrians are managers and have big concerns in simbabwe"

And in my Eyes are big euro icons   ::)  Dagobert Duck    ;)

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