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anyway of building a midi version of this?

Guest bod

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Yes and maybe!


Yes! The most Touchscreen Controller have a serial output. You can connect it with the serial interface on PIC18F.


When you want a touchscreen, then you have to learn programming.

@Hardware: Display

Maybe! When Nokia brings a new mobilphone with 10inch or larger display with an integrated controller like PCD8544 (MBHP_LCD).

@Software: Display

When you want a BigHighRes display, then you have to learn programming.

PS:You don't need Midibox, to use touchscreen on PC! Software and drivers are included in Windows XP and other OS.


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Guest Vercengetorex

It is true that you can use a touchscreen with your favorite softwares now through OS implimentation, however these are only single-point touchscreens, therefore you can only interact with one control at a time. The Lemur, show at the link above uses a very new multi-point touchscreen. You can grab up to twenty faders (theoretically) and move them all simultaniously, this is what makes the Lemur revolutionary. No operating system supports this technology yet.

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Multitouch is not really a factor of OS support, but whether the hardware touch controller can support it.  Most don't sense multiple touch points, some do.  

Some of the families of elotouch screens http://www.elotouch.com/ support multitouch, you just have to know how to poll the controller.  ;)

For something really cool on this concept, look at http://www.elotouch.com/products/lcds/1547l_cap.asp. What makes this thing special is "Projected Capacitive Touch Technology", allowing it to sense accurately through solid glass (up to 18mm thick).  This means these things actually have a Z axis, and -if- the touch controller supported it (I don't think this one does, but it has been done) a GUI could actually sense not only rough hand position but distance above the display.

I'm still not convinced that the Lemur isn't all just gadget factor, lacking real world features since even the designers tether it to a PC running MAX to use it.  I say put the PC running MAX in the box with the touchscreen, ditch the custom hardware, and put a real live set of MIDI jacks on it, and some MIDI over ethernet to connect it to your studio via wireless ethernet.  No custom hardware needed, except for the enclosure.  8)



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... can this be done with a software? - Which one?

Greets, Roger

Everyone working on this seems to have their own standard going, so keep in mind there will probably be large differences in performance/latency between the different SW....

Some links:

MIDIoverLAN CP($29 commercial, Mac+PC)

MidiViaNet(Freeware, Old, WIN95/NT4.0 written in VB)

DMIDI/IEEE P1639(Freeware, Mac+PC+Linux, seems to be abandonware)

iMIDI(Beta, Mac OSX only)

There are also MAX patches for passing MIDI and other data over ethernet......... ;D

If you find something good on this please post about it!



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  • 3 years later...


I am not very technical, and I will really appreciate if you could tell me wether this project is doable.

I have long been looking into multi touch screens and apart from that diy project, whereby using a projector and camera, one can analyze the video and get the "touched coordinates". project link: http://multi-touchscreen.com/#makemultitouch . the diy version of it is described here http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1095054 . It has a few disadvantages, namely high cpu requirements, time resolution typically of the 30fps, and facing the possibility of errors when operating in daytime.

I have tried a few elo monitors, they are very well built and are using many diffferent technologies. Here are the ones I consider as candidates for this project, the technologies have moved:


Acoustic pulse recognition: http://www.elotouch.com/Technologies/AcousticPulseRecognition/default.asp)

............supports sensing of XY axis and is stable under many conditions, even poor grounding etc. It amplifies sound generated when you touch the monitor and then comparing the waveform to a stored table of waveforms. Adjacently pressed coordinates are averaged by the controller and then sent to the computer using the driver.

Intellitouch: http://www.elotouch.com/Technologies/IntelliTouch/default.asp

...................is more prone to defects, however it allows for sensing of three axis. The way sensing is done is by comparing the, pressure modulated, high frequency sound passing through the touch areas to stored table of waveforms. Again concident coordinates are averaged and passed onthe driver

Carroltouch: http://www.elotouch.com/Technologies/CarrollTouch/default.asp

.....two axis sensing, using a matrix of led-photoreceptor pairs


Eah of these connect to a controller via either 5pin din analogue connection, or 8pin din digital connecton

Info on the software and hardware: http://media.elotouch.com/pdfs/manuals/program.pdf

My question is, is it possible to make a controller for this touch technology that will generate a table of touched points on either xy or xyz, then creates groupes of touched points and transmits each of these groupes as a touches, drages to a unix system, which will be able to interpret this as separate touches/drags to applications, which would respond accordingly, ie polytouch. All this, ideally at a rate of 1ms.


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... many people can read but don t understand ...  :P  (EDIT: referring to me)

still, we want to have a touch screen to be used as a controller, for x and y axes and, if possible, for z ax, fine

the screen will be used with a computer with a unix system

so i don t really understand why we should use a midibox or midi for this purpose, shouldn t this be more easily done in the computer itself ?

this subject is pretty interesting.. keep us posted!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Should the computer be used for the calculations, then yes, all we need is to connect the lcd to the computer without the controller. however this will limit the controller to be used on Unix systems, I reckon. I am not sure how different operating systems and programs which will be controlled would react to multiple movements at once. I doubt that there wouldn't be problems. This is why I prefer to built a controller for it. I remember reading somewhere on this forum, that since the core v3, it is feasible to send data from midibox via 100MB LAN. This would be the ideal, OSC input over LAN to the computer. Each OSC message would have an ID representing a moving point on the screen:

user touches the screen

--send ID and coordinates of the point of touch

user moves his finger on the screen

--send ID and coordinates

user untouches the screen

--send ID and coordinates of this point of release

I see speed of data transfer as the advantage of OSC over using MIDI. However, many computers for music are setup with LAN disabled, since doing so improves latency without clicks greatly. At least on Windows machines. Therefore, 14bit midi CC messages might be actually better.


I want to know whether this is at all possible, so I dont waste time trying to accomplish this. Obviously I would very much welcome anyone to join me for this project, since the kind of programming of the software for the controller is new to me.

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  • 1 month later...

Microchip has a capacitive touch system, code and all. It looks like it MIGHT be able to handle multitouch. (Check out Fig 2 in http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/AppNotes/01103a.pdf|AN1103)

Take a run around in this "design center" for Application Notes, downloads, etc.


I've been pondering a capacitive frontend for a MIDIbox SID, it'd be cheaper than buying rotary encoders, etc, and would have the coolness factor, too.  ;D

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