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Li´l audio question to PA stuff...


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Hi! Maybe dumb, yeah, but hey, whatever...  ;D

How do I "bridge" a stereo amplifier to make it mono? Serial, right? The plus of left side to the minus of the right side and the box into the not plugged thing, right?

Is it possible to bridge all Amps? Like Hifi-stuff from Sony to Samsung proffesional PA´s?

Reason: I got two amps (both commercial Grundig stuff) and two BIG boxes. Both amps got to less power to get all out of the boxes, so I thought of bridging both to make them two mono amps.

THNX! Greetz! :)

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As I understand you feed both channels of the poweramp the same signal, BUT one channel MUST get a phase inverted version of that same signal. The you connect the (+) temninal of the loudspeaker to (+) connection on the amp channel which is outputting the NON-phase inverted singnal. Then connect the (-) temninal of the loudspeaker to the (+) connection of the amp channel that is outputting the phaes INVERTETED.

Presto, you have twice the voltage to drive your speakers, therefore four times the power.


You should double the minium impeadance of you amp when running bridged. i.e. Amp running in normal configuration, minimum impeadeance 4 ohms, I bridge mode DO NOT connect any loudspeaker less than 8 ohms.

The effect of this is that you really end up with double the original power.


I have never tried this on a domestic amp, therefore can not be held responsible for any damage you cause.

I'de love to know if it works, I don't have an amp I can afford to cook at the moment.

From my research it, SHOULD work.



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@ moebius: *ME STUPID* Samson not Samsung....  :P

It was too good to be true ;) Think the markets for non-pro user installations.. "I guess we take that one - It's a well known brand and anything" ;D

What's complicated?

Simple opamp buffer circuit, one non-inverted, one inverted, from the same mono input signal, can be used to split it to inverted and noninverted signals, before power amp inputs.. (NE5532, anyone?)

Then speaker (<- With enough impedance) leads are connected to the positive (hot) poles of the amplifier speaker outputs. (See Rowans post)

Then put on your favourite pumpin' record and see those cones moovah'..

Bye, Moebius

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And then get the next PA out (already bridged) and bridge that one, too!

;D ;D

In the end you have tens of PA´s bridged for one box breaking through the roof...  :o

... yeah, will try it definetely (as you stated with the NE´s - already used those for headphone amps). I´m just a little concerned about the phase correlation - but well, just will try it anyhow...

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