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MIDIbox SEQ V2.2


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MIDIbox SEQ V2.2 is now available. From the ChangeLog:

  •   a drum mode has been implemented which allows to play three drum lines per track (makes up to 48 drum lines which can be played in parallel)
          In this mode, each layer contains one drum line.
          Limitations: each line has a dedicated note and gatelength. Only two velocity values can be specified (normal and accent)
          The accents can be set when the FAST button is activated.
          More details are described in Tutorial #3: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq_tutorial3.html
  • single events can now be triggered multiple times (up to 4 times per step) with a delay value of 1-31. The number of triggers and the delay can be selected in the gatelength layer.
          This feature allows to play doubled, triplet and quadrupled notes, which is especially useful for drumrolls, ratterbeats and flams.
          More details are described in Tutorial #3: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq_tutorial3.html

          Note: the new definition of the gatelength makes old patterns incompatible to previous releases (better to do it now than never) - the gatelength has to be divided by 4 in old patterns

  • a humanizer function has been added which allows to add/subtract random values from the 2nd MIDI byte (e.g. Note), from the 3rd MIDI byte (e.g. Velocity, CC value, Aftertouch...) and from the gatelength.
          The humanizer mode and intensity can be selected in the Groove menu

  • two additional gate trigger pins are now available for the AOUT option.
          The 3rd gate is located at pin RC0 (CORE::J6::RC)
          The 4th gate is located at pin RC1 (CORE::J6::SC)
          These pins are only used when no AIN multiplexers are connected (which is normaly the case when no pots are used)



Have fun! :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

P.S.: try the humanizer function on note values in arpeggiator mode - it rocks!

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Hum, it looks like a spaghetti plate, but I will arrange all that with some colson cable ties.

I've also one remaining problem, the LCDs are a bit pale. I check the negative voltage tips, but it's not the problem and the vendor told me that it works with positive voltage between 0 and 1V.

Maybe LCDs don't have a nice contrast...


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tatapoum :my LCDs was a bit pale too , with not enough constrast , so i change the voltage of the supply to a bit more than 9v (9,3v) and tweak a bit the two variable resistor on the core : all go fine (but i use a led matrice for the step ,so i was thinking that there is too many leds (and i use orange ones) for the standard voltage...

Hum, it looks like a spaghetti plate

you don't seen mine !

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Hi ,

i've spend the last evenning playing with my seq and the new drum mode ,it's a bit "bizzaroid" but very effective after understanding how it work!!!

But i've notified that some time steps of different layer are "exclusive" ,if you turn one , the same on layer two won't be played ,it's the bug you fix on the new release of MIOS ?

the matter maybe come from the way the synth i drive with the SEQ deal with its drums patch ,but i haven't notified any polyphony problem  before, so ?...

another thing : why the trigger mode stop the playing? here is way to avoid that?

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But i've notified that some time steps of different layer are "exclusive" ,if you turn one , the same on layer two won't be played ,it's the bug you fix on the new release of MIOS ?

the matter maybe come from the way the synth i drive with the SEQ deal with its drums patch ,but i haven't notified any polyphony problem  before, so ?...

thats exactly the problem which has been fixed in v2.2a

another thing : why the trigger mode stop the playing? here is way to avoid that?

as mentioned in another thread, I will add this to the ToDo list :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Drum mode is really excellent. I just regret to have ordered the front panel the day before the news in order to write on it the button function. But don't care with that.

However the All function is a little bit strange in this mode. It change note and the accent... I also not understand why it change some GP leds state.

More generaly speaking, I think that a normal setup of the encoder (the binary thing is fun but not really usefull) and the use of, by example, the Menu button to navigate between the other parameters should be easier. Maybe it's not possible to do such a thing. Just an idea. I don't have assembler skills to understand how to do that myself.

Another point, why not to write Note before the note set ?

Thank you, it's a really nice piece. I don't have yet receive the front panel but I've played with it for 2 hours...


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Hi Ludo,

However the All function is a little bit strange in this mode. It change note and the accent... I also not understand why it change some GP leds state.

the ALL function is not supported in this mode - maybe I should disable it here.

More generaly speaking, I think that a normal setup of the encoder (the binary thing is fun but not really usefull) and the use of, by example, the Menu button to navigate between the other parameters should be easier. Maybe it's not possible to do such a thing. Just an idea. I don't have assembler skills to understand how to do that myself.

it is not possible due to memory limitations. I was lucky enough to integrate the drum mode like it is after a lot of code size optimization effort on other routines (and I'm happy that they are still working like before).

Normaly the drum mode would require different encoder and button handlers which modify the variables within the 256 pattern in another way, but an alternative handling would cost at least 500 bytes, and this would mean that other features, which are planned, could not be integrated anymore.

It's not a programming, but a code size problem... (like always - I would switch to a completely different chip if the support effort wouldn't be so high, but this is another topic which has been discussed several times before)

Another point, why not to write Note before the note set ?

What do you mean exactly (can you please describe this in other words?)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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the ALL function is not supported in this mode - maybe I should disable it here.

I think too. Because it has a strange behaviour.

it is not possible due to memory limitations. I was lucky enough to integrate the drum mode like it is after a lot of code size optimization effort on other routines (and I'm happy that they are still working like before).

Ok, I wasn't aware of this point. In this case...

So, why not set the encoders under their associated parameter's value and let the other for the rest (not really usefull I think) ?

By example, for the Channel value , use the encoder 6, for the Len, encoder 8 ? (if there a part of code I can change, which one ?)

What do you mean exactly (can you please describe this in other words?)

Sorry, I wasn't clear enough.

In Drum mode, the left screen display in the top line :

[tt]Drum 2A      A#5 Chn. 10 Len 31[/tt]

It should be (from my point of view) :

[tt]Drum 2A  Note A#5 Chn. 10 Len 31[/tt]


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So, why not set the encoders under their associated parameter's value and let the other for the rest (not really usefull I think) ?

By example, for the Channel value , use the encoder 6, for the Len, encoder 8 ? (if there a part of code I can change, which one ?)

you can change this in seq_enc.inc by mapping the encoder numbers to different values when drum mode is active. But this is the only way, because the order of encoders reflect the order of variables in the pattern memory

In Drum mode, the left screen display in the top line :

[tt]Drum 2A      A#5 Chn. 10 Len 31[/tt]

It should be (from my point of view) :

[tt]Drum 2A  Note A#5 Chn. 10 Len 31[/tt]

Ok, this should be an easy change for the next release ;-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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you can change this in seq_enc.inc by mapping the encoder numbers to different values when drum mode is active. But this is the only way, because the order of encoders reflect the order of variables in the pattern memory

'Oulala', you redirect me in the core of the assembler code... It seems there is no conditional branch for drum mode, isn't it ?

It's too late in the day for me to start learning assembler.

If I'm boring you with my newbie asm question I will use my SEQ as is, no matter.

Ok, this should be an easy change for the next release ;-)

Great, thanks,


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just uploaded the new SEQ code ^^

thanks TK, the drum mode is great! is it possible to mute single layers out of a drum track, or just the whole track?

further, i've found a little bug again ;)

when i'm in the menu (for example divider or groove) and more than one track is selected, mios is rebooting when I press one of the GP buttons.

best, wishes,


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