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MIDIbox of the Week (MBSEQ V2 of Moxi)


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Finally a MIDIbox SEQ with 4 LED rows! :)

Moxi wrote


i have spend the two last day in finishing my SEQ V2

,so : great thanks ,the SEQ is a really well designed

and "ergonomic" ,it's a pleasure to play with it!!

I send you two pics of the box ,even if i'm not really

proud of the result ,i've done a lot of mistake ,and

don't spend enough time to think about the

"mechanical" conception (the casing ,how to mount

board inside...)and the "scares" that you will see on

the panel are really stupid error ! grrrrr ...the next

box will be better ,sure!




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Hi ,

i didn't think that my Box could appear here ,after the great one of Albert!!

Great thanks to T.K. , Smash TV and Mike & Claudia for their support !!!

about pics of the inside ,i don't think everyone can learn something of my work ,unless you want to learn about "spaghetti" cookin !! :) ,or if you want to know what you must avoid absolutly .

The advise i can give : never use buttons you have to screw on the panel (and the ones have choose are really too cheap ,i think some of them won't go over a year!) ,because you will have to work with the panel besides you until you finish your box ,it's why you can see on mine some scare and other defects .

The inside of the Tatapoum seq :http://www.tatapoum.net/photos/seq/will be a better exemple!!!

i will start now a second Seq , with this time 4 row of buttons ,and additionnal piezzo trigger (T.K. :why the trigger fonction stop the playing? Is a way to have the same fonction ,with the playing going on ?

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the panel is a schaefer one ,the artwork done in photoshop then printed on a classic inkjet printer on LAZERTRAN inkjet paper.

the next time ,i will use A3 sheet and go "to the town" for the printing process. Some guys tell me the Lazertran for lazer printer is really better ,cause the printed side is "beside" the sheet (you print it reversed ) ,no with the one i used.

for the buton ,some are coming from a "second hand" shop (a shop of old house furnitures!!) ,but it's not a good deal ,this butons are very chips (the ones with a metal ring ),and have to be screwed to the panel ,that not a good thing.

for the little ones ,i see you can still find them here:


they are the WORST  ,don't take this ones!!!

for the orange ,they're great ,but maybe a bit hard to push and they come from farnell , too expensive ,but as it was missing 

only five ...

the next time ,i will do the butons by myself using silicone or in polyester resin (the sculpture you can see on the first picture is in resin ,done in a silicon mould , it's a process i know very well .I will use "FIMO" past for the templates ,a thing you can find in many "beaux-arts" shop ,in many color ,and easy to work with ..after all my reflexion about this ,i think its the better way to do your "personal" button.And by this way it will be easy to integrate led in my butons...

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  • 5 years later...


i'm new around there and i'm planning to start building my first SEQ :)

(just wait for SmashTV's Core32 PCBs !)

Could somebody give me a clue on how build a 4 LED rows like this pretty MoxBox ?

Is there MIOS modification to do or is that kind of mod already possible (and then

just add couple DIN/DOUT modules ?)

EDIT : ok i found that i should use the BLM_SCALAR module but i still have a question :

how do i connect BLM_SCALAR to core ? http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_blm_scalar_module_interconnections.pdf

(on which core port ?)

Thanks for your tips !


Edited by maigre
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Necro bump.

sorry what's that ?

(as a french native speaker i have some troubles to understand everythings ...)

I founded a first response in the Hardware Options section :

For the simple 4x16 i can use 2 DIN + 6 DOUT modules.

Thanks for that !

But for the big 16x16 matrix, it seems that we do not use DIN/DOUT

but a BLM_SCALAR module. i founded all i need about this module but

i just missed how to connect one of this BLM_SCALR module to the Core32..

any idea ?

Thanks a lot !

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