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MPC-style drum pads

Guest SK12

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i´m looking for a way to use drum pads(like on the MPC) on the midibox64.

I´ve already looked at the midi drums project on the extensions page, but that are "real" drum pads with piezo triggers.

Any suggestions?


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Yes, i´m talking about velocity sensitive drum pads, little rubber pads like on the mpc or several drumcomputers.


Maybe there´s  something like sensors or so to connect them to the analog in´s, but all   I´ve found so far is way to expensive(25€/$ each).

Already thougt of using momemtary switches- not bad at all, just not velocity sensitive.


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Guest Macwreck

Ian Hurlock (member) has built pads that have triggered a drum module from practice pads and piezo ... I've seen it working great! Now he's building something like Roland's V-Drum's with the 'real drum' tactile head ... email him (and say you heard that "PC Jimmy" is "The Master"!)  ;)

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Hi Sacsha

I have one word for macwreck....."whatever !"

But seriously he is right...though I hate to say it !!

I have built some triggers using some practice pads with

piezo discs siliconed to the back of them. They work good. I use them with my Alesis DM5.

I buy Piezo's for about $1 NZ.

You will , of course, have to build something to accept the signal from the piezo's. There is a link to an easy drum module project somewhere on the ucapp home page I think.

If you need any help with this let me know.

I could mail you some digitals of my heads.

Macwreck is right, I am making some heads designed similar to the roland " V " type.

For this I am rolling some aluminium flat bar into circles and then using the Roland mesh head for the skin.

Skins are about $50 nz for the 12" and I get 5 circles per length of ally @ $25 nz a length.

Even the Roland " V " heads are only a piezo disc trigger.

They use a cone shaped piece of foam glued to the piezo disc that contacts with the mesh skin to carry the vibration from the skin to the trigger.

very simple but very effective.

I have a " V " head which I pulled to bits  to find this out He he he !

Basically you can glue a piezo to anything you like, give it a whack and it will work


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I don't think there is an addition for this on the MB

However i was wrong once b4.

There is a simple circuit using the 877 on another site that is linked to from here.


This looks ok but I am not sure if anyone on this forum has made it.

There are some samples of the kit being played so I guess it goes !


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I checked the e-drum projekt, but i´m not looking for "real drumpads" to play with sticks.

I want those little rubber pads (2x2cm) like on the mpc or other drummachines.

I thought that there must be another solution, I don´t think that piezos are used for the little rubber pads in drummachines(anybody knows how analog buttons in gamepads work ?). Or how do midi keyboards work?

I don´t need 127 velocity levels, since it is not to play drums - just to trigger samples with my fingers.

Maybe it´s possible to use something similar to potis, just  instead of turning the knob to change the resistance you press a button and the resistance is changed by pressing hard or soft ?

I searched the web for explanations how potentiometers work, but found nothing.


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well...  the edrum project is cool, but i'd like to integrate everything in my midibox. Do you think that the analog interface of the edrum would work with the midibox? Probably it would be necessary to modify the firmware of the midibox64 to handle events like a hit on a piezo...

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  • 2 weeks later...

don't know how velocity sensitive triggering works on the MPC, but i have an Alesis HR16 drumcomp. and it actually has piezos glued to the PCB on the opposite side of the Pad's contacts. Another suggestion: i've seen some DIY-MIDI-keyboard the other day which was velocity sensitive. This was done with Buttons with two contacts (one contact when you push it, the other one when it touches the ground) there was some IC inside that measured the time between both contacts.

I suggested something like this before but that was quite a while ago and i guess, Thorsten forgot about it.


so long,

Simolch der warst

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I thought about this today and I was thinking if it would be possible to mount both a piezo and a simple digital trigger on the drum pad. The piezo would be connected to AIN and the trigger to DIN.

If the box is connected to a PC, one can do a simple program that analyses the AIN signal and in conjunction with the DIN signal (it's just mididata), compute the velocity of the hit (of a pad for example).

There is some theory on how to do this on http://go.to/edrum.

The good thing about this would be that no modification of the firmware is requiered, however you need a computer (but I imagine most people use this anyway if they haven't got a DM-5 or equiv). And I don't know what the delay would be either... does anyone think this is a good idea?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just did the e-drum project. It's also cool. I made some drum pad's with cheap training pad's. Now i try to make some smaller pad's to record bongos etc. I got good results with a old small metal soap can. You just have to stick a piezo in it. That's all.

I also made some small pad's 5x5cm. I used a piezo, a aluminium 2mm and a piece of neopren rubber on it. But the result was disapointing. I had to hit very hard to get a velocity more than 64.  :-[

I send more info's as soon as i know what's the best to built. (And play)



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