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These are 32 additional buttons for LC functions, MIDI remote commands and/or SFB events (Display mode switching, etc.)

Here an update of the current status --- every part fits fine, but the modules have not been connected yet... next update on sunday :)


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hi, :)

Christoffer: the push buttons are from Reichelt, order number "DT_6" (the big ones) and "TASTER 3305B" (the small ones)

Steve: yes, I'm nearly out of space, therefore I'm searching for a new flat since some weeks, because currently the whole stuff is in my livingroom and I have to put it away when I get visitors so that they don't stumble over the gear ;-) Mostly they are confused, they've no idea for what these boxes could be useful to and change the topic quickly before I start to talk about the newest features ;-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Guest Christian


i have a question to this ...... is the LC (Logic Control.?)also able to control Cubase SX ... ???

Please forgive me as noob this question .. :)



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Hi Christian,

yes, it is - just select the Mackie Control ID (#14) instead of the Logic Control ID (#10) and Cubase SX will regognize the controller :) I haven't tested it by myself, but Frank did it with success.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Guest Johannes


looks GREAT!!!  :)

Christian: ...is the LC (Logic Control.?)also able to control Cubase SX ...

sure, take a look at this:

taken from midibox16e.ini


# LC Emulation ID (in hex format)

# Known IDs: 10 - Logic Control

#            11 - Logic Control XT

#            14 - Mackie Control

#            00 - disabled the LC emulation

# Default: 00





Only thing you have to do is to set a different ID, in your case ID 14 (Mackie Control is made for Cubase SX). It's that easy... (Thorsten please correct me if I'm wrong as I'm new to this as well :) ).



addon: As always, Thorsten is superfast and actually answered the question few minutes before I hit the post button, but fortunaly my answer was correct as well and better documented  :P

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