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Double Checking......


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I am building a midibox with:

  • 18 pots
  • 7 faders
  • 2 jog wheels
  • 105 buttons
  • 2 switches

    Because I have 109 digital inputs i will need to link two cores right?

    So overall I need:

    • 2 * Cores
    • 4 * DIN
    • 1 * AIN
    • 1 * LTC

      Is this correct?

      Would I use a Rotary Encoder for the jog wheels? These are connected to a DIN module right?

      Thanks for your help

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You've got 25 analogue ins and 111 digital ins (each encoder takes 2 digital inputs).

Yes you're going to need 2 cores for that.

MB64 spec is 64 Ains, 64 Dins, 64 LED

MB64E spec is 128 Din, 128 Dout so even if you changed your analogue ins to encoders you're still going to end up using 2 cores.

You're going to need some Dout boards if you want any indicator lights on there.

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Is linking cores as simple as joining them at the correct pins?

What programming/software configuration  is required?

Once connected am I free to connect the maximum inputs to each core or are there restrictions?

Do certain modules have to be connected to a certain core, or can i connect them to either?

Thanks again


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read up on the midibox link page it's all there.

Is linking cores as simple as joining them at the correct pins?

yes you link the cores just by midi, which are a 2 pins wired internally (if your making one box)

What programming/software configuration  is required?

Midibox link is part of MIOS, in some(every??) applications you can choose in the menu how to link.

cheers, marcel

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, Just a few more questions...

1)How do i calculate the size of the required power size for this box? Would a 500ma 12v do the job?

2)Can i use a 100V / 1 Amp rectifier for the cores? Its the smallest voltage i can get locally.

3)Also...If i only have 1 LCD will that be ok? Is there a benifit of having two displays (one for each core)?

Thanks heaps


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1)How do i calculate the size of the required power size for this box? Would a 500ma 12v do the job?

Should be OK with 2 LDCs without backlight (Or with one LCD with backlight). If you use big LCDs (2x40) with backlight  better use a 800-1000mA spply. And better get a 9V supply as the voltage regulater will get hot with 12V.

2)Can i use a 100V / 1 Amp rectifier for the cores? Its the smallest voltage i can get locally.

Yes, thats OK. Higher maximum voltage is no problem.

3)Also...If i only have 1 LCD will that be ok? Is there a benifit of having two displays (one for each core)?

Sorry, I've used linked cores only in MBSID so I cna't say anything on this. Someone else?


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