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MIDIbox SEQ V2.4


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Hi *,

I just have released a new version of MIDIbox SEQ, it features an external 24ppqn pin and "Multi-Arp" events.

Download: http://www.ucapps.de/mios_download.html

ChangeLog: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq_changelog.html

There is also a new tutorial session which describes the Arp enhancements:


Have fun! :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thank you guys! :)

Nico: I just have shifted the priority of this feature to the top of the ToDo list, so that it won't be forgotten - yes, it's possible without much changes (some functions have already been prepared)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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my MB SEQ will hopefully be finished pretty soon, and I'm really enjoying the fact that you integrated the DIN Sync feature just in time for me to include it without having to open everything up again. But I have one question: since there are different standarts with DIN sync, is it possible to change the output's resolution? Would be cool If this could be done without any coding in the interface. I know, a hardware solution would't be much of an effort, but this way it could be more comfortable.


der Warst

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Ok, v2.4a can now be downloaded from the MIOS download page: http://www.ucapps.de/mios_download.html

New features:

  • if not in songmode, the Fwd and Rew button can now be used to increment/decrement the menu value.
        This is a nice alternative possibility for "fine adjusting" values without the datawheel
  • the clock rate of the external clock pin is now selectable from 96 ppqn to 24/13 ppqn in the BPM menu - just press one of the 16 general purpose buttons. With 96 ppqn the clock output is permanently 1 (thats not a bug)
        24 ppqn is the standard setting (GP button #4)
  • a new option has been added which allows synchronized pattern switching, the pattern will be changed with the next measure (after the 16 steps of the "master track" have been processed)
  • a new option has been added for arpeggiator mode which avoids that the track position will be reset if no note/chord is played
  • there is a new "MBSEQ Options" menu page which allows to select these two new features online

Have some fun :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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