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can't upload anything to the pic


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The PIC is showing 'signs of life' but i can't seem to upload the bootstrap loader.  I've tried using midiox and mios studio. both programs say that the upload was succesfull.  but the pic still just gives out the sign of life. my laptop and the core module seem to be comunicating correctly. i've been through all the tests to check midi io.

How do i know if the pic has accepted any programing at all? (i do not have a LCD connected. Do i really need one?)

please help getting very frustated know. ahhhhhhh

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what are the signs of life then?

i can't seem to upload the bootstrap loader.  I've tried using midiox and mios studio

i fink you have something mixed up; the bootstraploader has to be burned with a hardware burner like the PIC burner module, it can't be done by midi.

but you say the core is communicating; so you probably have bought a pre-burned PIC from one of the midibox-shops??

if so, you've got the bootstrap; now you should upload MIOS, and then the application you need (with MIDIOX/MIOSStudio.)

good luck, marcel

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Hi Adam,

assumed that the bootloader is already in the PIC (otherwise you wouldn't see that the upload was successfull): did you upload the operating system (MIOS) before the application? This is very important, otherwise the app won't be started.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I think i've the MIOS operating system uploaded. the core does not send out the periodic reqest for information any more. I've loading the application i need but nothing seems to happen mios studio and midi ox says the proccess is complete.

midi ox will recieve a message when i move 1 of the pots but nothing else sends any signal. the messages go something like this

000006e2  1  --    f0 buffer:    8 bytes    system exclusive

sysx: f0 00 00 7e 40 00 01 f7

the numbers change every time.

My midi interface is an audiophile firewire made by m-audio.

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This message indicates, that the core has been reset. Maybe MIOS (or the application) has not been uploaded successfully, even when MIOS Studio reports this?

You can verify the MIOS program range with the CRC application. Just upload it, and check the sysex message which will be sent out. It should be: F0 0B 0B 01 05 F7

Do you see this message, or something else?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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ok i've uploaded the crc application.

when i move the pot now it sends back (should it send a signal without moving anything?)

timestamp 4236000 us: sysex

message f0 00 00 7e 40 00 01 f7

then another mesaage with similar numbers. (these 2 first messages are always different every time i move the pot)

then after about 2 seconds the core sends

timestamp 11376000 us: sysex

message: f0 0b 0b 01 05 f7

this is in MIOS studio. i can't get anything through midi ox now.

thank you for all your help so far

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Alright, the upload works fine, but it seems that there is a problem with your pot. The SysEx message (it's an upload request, the first number is the "timestamp") is not intended, it seems that once you move the pot, the core will be reset, even when there is no application running which scans for pot values.

So - propably you've connected the pot in the wrong way (ground and +5V should be connected to the outer pins, the analog input of the core or AIN module should be connected to the middle pin). Or maybe your pot has a different pinning? If you own a multimeter, you can measure this.

What does happen if no pot is connected at all? Upload the MB64 application and put your finger on the (open) analog inputs - the core should send a lot of random MIDI controllers.

Btw.: after this experiment, connect all unused analog inputs at the core and AINX4 module to ground, otherwise the random MIDI events will always be sent

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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i have tried all of what you suggested above but nothing is working.

i disconnected all of my pots from the ain which stopped the timestamp message.

i've connected up just 1 pot but can't get any signal at all. there is power at the ain and the pot.

i've disconnected all of my modules exept the ain.

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What happens when you upload the ain64_din128_dout128 application?

If still no MIDI events are sent, could you please post a SRAM dump here? You can do this with MIOS Studio: open the debug window, select the "SRAM read" function, enter Address: 0x000, No. Bytes: 0x600 (see also: http://www.midibox.org/mios_studio/mios/gui/help/mios_debug_functions.html

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Great! So, the analog inputs are working.

Next steps: upload the MIDIbox64 application, it should also send random MIDI events.

Thereafter tie all unused analog inputs to ground (or connect all pots you have with the right pinning) to avoid this

Your box should be ready for use then :)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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i'm having problems loading the midibox64 app to the pic.

i can load mios, crc, and ain64-din128-dout128 test app. which sends out alot of random midi events. is it supposed to do this? i disconnected all the modules thinking there was a problem with one of them. 

but the random messages did not go away.

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just got the midibox64 app uploaded.

i downloaded the sysex file from the website again. the copy i was trying to upload must have been corrupted.

i'm getting random midi events across all 16 channels.

i've only got 1 ain connected up to the core.  31 of the analog inputs are being used and the spare is clamped to ground.

should have some  pins on the core clamped to ground?

what else could be giving out these random midi events?

i disconnected the ain from the core earlier but still got the random midi messages

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fantastic got the pots working fine then the buttons.

connected the encoders and uploaded the app for midibox64e (i need both encoders and pots i understand from reading the changelog for 64e that this can be done. i wired a second din to the first din with the buttons is this correct? can you chain 2 dins together that are using different types of input?).

i've been having serious problems since.  the core sent out what looked like a request for information repeatedly and very fast.

tryed to reload mios but could only do this after diconnecting all the modules (perhaps there could be a problem with the second din with the encoders). and connected the ain and din with the buttons and uploaded the app for midibox64. but could not get this to work.  diconnected all the modules again. and tryed to reload mios. i can not do this.

when i turn the box on with mios studio open it receives several timestamp messages and gives out alot of random midi messages. (i assume this is because i do not have the ain connected at the moment). when i turn the box of i get several 'active sensing, stop, timing clock, system reset' messages and sometimes a few midi messages. if i turn on the box for a second time mios studio shuts down, midi ox does the same.

when i try and upload mios in mios studio i get a message saying 'recieved unexpected mios sysex message = f0f000007e400001f7 expected = 00007e40000.

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connected the encoders and uploaded the app for midibox64e (i need both encoders and pots i understand from reading the changelog for 64e that this can be done.

yes this is tru; but i think you have to configure the MB64E app for your custom needs; you do this with MPLAB IDE (read the page on ucapps) It's not so hard; you just answer "multiple choice" questions; concerning your hardware setup>number and places of buttons, encoders, pots etc.

Most of the changes are made in the main.asm file; open it in MPLAB and you'll see. Once finished; you can build the project, and a new main.hex file will be there which you can upload.

i wired a second din to the first din with the buttons is this correct? can you chain 2 dins together that are using different types of input?).

yeah you can mix encoders/buttons; they behave similar (an encoder is kinda like a switch which goes up or down

i've been having serious problems since.  the core sent out what looked like a request for information repeatedly and very fast. tryed to reload mios but could only do this after diconnecting all the modules (perhaps there could be a problem with the second din with the encoders).

i don't think the dins could mess up mios so that it doesn't work anymore (it sould work again when you disconnect the dins)

do check for shorts though> they cause problems when connected

when i turn the box on with mios studio open it receives several timestamp messages and gives out alot of random midi messages. (i assume this is because i do not have the ain connected at the moment). when i turn the box of i get several 'active sensing, stop, timing clock, system reset' messages and sometimes a few midi messages. if i turn on the box for a second time mios studio shuts down, midi ox does the same.

when i try and upload mios in mios studio i get a message saying 'recieved unexpected mios sysex message = f0f000007e400001f7 expected = 00007e40000.

ok lets start over again; to be sure upload MIOS again but try doing this within 2 seconds after you power up the core (don't know if it's still neccesary but i think so). Then i think it's best to first get it working with only pots and buttons like before (on MB64). Check this with the program/ machine you are building your box for so you know the ain and din work properly.

then go on with the encoders with MB64E.

Last tip; if you got some money to spare; get an lcd! they make troubleshooting much easier. If you don't need it in this box you can always use it for the next ;D

good luck, marcel

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yes it does

when i turn the box on with mios studio open it receives several timestamp messages and gives out alot of random midi messages. (i assume this is because i do not have the ain connected at the moment). when i turn the box of i get several 'active sensing, stop, timing clock, system reset' messages and sometimes a few midi messages. if i turn on the box for a second time mios studio shuts down, midi ox does the same.

when i try and upload mios in mios studio i get a message saying 'recieved unexpected mios sysex message = f0f000007e400001f7 expected = 00007e40000

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Could it be that there is a feedback loop caused by MIDI-Ox or MIOS Studio?

In MIOS Studio, ensure that there is no direct connection between MIDI In and MIDI Out of your core.

Check the same in the port routing window of MIDI-Ox (for the case that you are using this software).

Please also remember: so long no module is connected to the core, and the MB64 application is running, it's required to tie all analog inputs of J5 to ground in order to avoid random MIDI events. Only tie the analog inputs, not the J5:Vd (+5V) pin to ground!

-> http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp/mbhp_core.pdf

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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