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vmidibox64 update : copy and paste + app settings

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I made some quick changes to vmidibox64 (on your requests  ;D ):

- You can now copy and paste pot and button

   properties using CTRL-C, CTRL-V.

- CTRL-ALT-S saves the midi in port, midi out port,

 sysexsendspeed to   vmb64presets.ini              

 these settings are loaded at startup and have the

 following structure in vmb64presets.ini :








Hi Serge,

Thanks for making the changes. About the copy and paste: nice option :)

what about a make-settings-for-row option, thus that each knob of the row has the same controller (with min/max etc), but an increased midi channel for wach column?

it does save the midi in and out, indeed, but it doesn't initialize well: the buttons request sysex dump and send sysex are disabled on startup.

Good to hear there is progress in this program :)



Hi Traizor,

the buttons request sysex dump and send sysex are disabled on startup.


: :-[   Okay I enabled the buttons at startup now.

what about a make-settings-for-row option, thus that each knob of the row has the same controller (with min/max etc), but an increased midi channel for wach column?

: I will add it to the to-do list. What about another exotic shortcut for this trick ? (I wish to keep the basic interface as clean as possible)




I don't like popup menus... but maybe I can make a simple shortcut :D that pops up a menu that gives you all advanced choices that are shortcuts now...

(I will keep all shortcuts in there as well... )

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