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Rocker Switch with led


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When connecting  the LED on my rocker switch, I soldered the +  pin from the DC jack to one pin on the  rocker switch then from the other pin on the switch i soldered to the + pin on the core and then soldered the - pin from the dc jack to the ground on the core.  (switch works fine).  there is a + and - pin for the LED on the switch also.  So i figured id connect these also to the dc jack, but i think that is too much voltage for the led because it lights up an amber color and smells...  It should light up green.  So my question is do i need some kind of resistor from the dc jack to the + pin on the led??

Thanks guys.


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This is how a resistor for LED is calculated (it does not matter if the resistor is before or after the LED - as long as it´s there):

Resistor value = (Supply Voltage - LED diode voltage) / LED current

The LED diode voltage is normally something about 0,7 Volts, brighter LEDs consume up to 1,3 Volt here. The LED current is normally 20 mA, low current LEDs need 2-3 mA and ultra bright ones up to appr. 50 mA or even more. The standard LEDs used among here are mostly rated @ 0,7V/20mA, for other LEDs just look up in your catalogue or in the datasheet.


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Also, keep in mind, the lower values you'll see in certain diagrams, like for the segment displays and stuff, provide a higher current for some weird percentage of the number of lights. They're actually rapidly cycling through the necessary segments and looking as if they're on because of their slow decay rates. So, I guess they'll all handle higher supplies for brief periods or something.

I personally prefer to live more dangerously with my non-critical LED circuits, and am a bit less "scientific" while picking my values. I'll pretty much grab anything from a 220 up into the high 600's. I think I've even seen 150's on something, but it was probably a digit/scan deal.

My sympathies are with you Villadon, but I couldn't help but laugh about that "smell" part (been there myself). 8)

Hope your switches are OK!

Take Care     

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