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LC emulation modules?


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Hi Steven,

yes it does. Sorry, I haven't completed the documentation yet... so here just a short list - the complete emulation requires:

  • one PIC18F core module
  • one MF module (see below)
  • 4 DINX4 modules
  • 3 DOUTX4 modules

    Additional parts:
    • 8 motorfaders (can be left out if too expensive - with the split mode it is possible to use the 8 encoders as MF replacement)
    • 9 encoders or 8 encoder and one jog-wheel
    • 64 + 8*12 LEDs
    • 96 buttons
    • one graphical LCD or 2 2x40 LCDs
    • a 9V/2A power supply (or 2 * 9V/1A)

    • more informations will be provided soon...

      Best Regards, Thorsten.
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I am a little bit confused.  ???

In an earlier post I made a question about the required modules and Thorsten had replied with ok but as I see now things are different  ???

The post:


I wrote :

Some rough thoughts are for 96 buttons needed 3 DOUT

Also another DOUT for led rings

1 DINX for the 9 encoders 8 for channels 1 for scrub wheel

1 AINX for the 9 faders8 for channels 1 for master.

Thorsten replied

Hi Dimitris,

your thoughts to this solution are correct.  

Only one core and the modules you've listed.

The comfusion is all about the number of DINX and DOUT modules needed.

Maybe I have to wait to see the upcoming documantaion which probably answer my silly question  :-[


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Hi Dimitris,

possibly I assumed that "DOUT for buttons" was a typing error? Because DOUTs are only usefull for controlling LEDs and similar "output components", but for buttons DIN modules are required... Maybe I'm sometimes too fault tolerant ;-)

However, a lot of configurations are possible with the MIDIbox LC emulation, I only listed my own setup.

If you would ask me "can I emulate a Logic Control with one core module and one rotary encoder" I would say: yes, you can when you can live with the limitations ;-)

You don't want to use motorfaders? Then you can use normal faders, and in this case also one or two AIN modules, since only motorfaders restrict the use of the analog interface. Only without motorfaders you are able to control 9 faders (and more!) with one core module.

Maybe I should define the possible cases in some equations which makes it more clear:

max number of AIN (for faders, motorfaders, pots) pins:

when motorfaders: 8

when one AIN module: 32

when two AIN modules: 64

else 8

max number of DIN: 128

max number of DOUT: 128

every button allocates 1 DIN pin

every encoder/jogwheel allocates 2 DIN pins

every LED allocates 1 DOUT pin

LED-rings are multiplexed: 8 rings with 8*12 LEDs allocate 8 + 12 = 20 DOUT pins

with the source code you can freely assign the control elements to the pins

required for LC Emulation:

MUST: one core module

MUST: one graphical LCD or 2 * 2x40 LCDs

WANTED: at least 8 rotary encoders

WANTED: a scrub/jog wheel (9th encoder)

OPTIONAL: led-rings (but values are also shown on LCD)

WANTED: at least 32 buttons

OPTIONAL: 32 additional buttons for 8 * solo/mute/rec/select

OPTIONAL: 32 additional buttons for sequencer control (transport, bankswitching, etc.)

WANTED: LEDs for the buttons in order to receive feedback from Logic

OPTIONAL: 8 motorfaders (but not necessary at all when you use the split mode in order to swap the purpose of encoders and faders)

OPTIONAL: one additional fader, but in this case you either have to pass on the motorfaders, or you have to use a second core module

Sometimes I'm feeling that giving advices for a MIDI controller is like selling a car - just only the heavy colored prospectuses are missing ;-)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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That is cool and clear for me too now TK.

There have been many changes but now I can settle to my complete LC.

I Have only one question.

If I use the remaining dins left over from the XT module for encoders as pans aux etc will this have any impact on the function of logic with the LC. Or is it as simple as not navigating with the LC to get pan or aux control and just use the extra inputs mapped to those funtions instead ...............Make sense ? :-/

Is this then split mode ?

Mmmmm...coloured brochure.....sounds nice ;) ;)



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Yes, you can use free pins to add more encoders in order to control other functions. This requires some effort for a special Logic environment, but in principle it works.

There is only one problem: once Logic has scanned the MIDI ports and found a LC or XT device, the appr. ports will be disabled for the environment.

Solution: create a virtual connection (-> MIDI-Ox in conjunction with MIDI Yoke) between the In-Port of your LC and a virtual MIDI-In to duplicate the MIDI Port, so that one can be allocated by Logic for the Control Surface, and the other (virtual) can be used in the Logic environment.

Split mode is a function supported by Logic itself. When you press the split button, the rotary encoders will control the function of the motorfaders (normaly Volume control) and vice versa. On this way you are able to control all parameters with the faders

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey TK...

OPTIONAL: one additional fader, but in this case you either have to pass on the motorfaders, or you have to use a second core module

This will be for the Maser Fader ye - i'm doing this, using a regular 10k lin slider. Q is - does this 2nd core have to 18 or 16F edition? Or dont it matter...?



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