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LCD - SN102 94V0


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Has anyone used a KL SN102 94V-0 LCD screen? i cant find a data sheet anywhere.

I have wired it up the same as the wiring diagram but only the backlight comes on and mios studio shuts down. when i disconnect the lcd the core module acts as normal and mios studio does'nt shut down.

Is this screen compatable with a midi box?

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Hi Adamwg,

Disconnect only the backlight, it is probably causing the shutdown by dragging down your power supply.

Check the new wiki page about displays, there is a list of 44780 compatible LCD driver chips there that you can compare with your display to answer the compatibility question.



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i have just begun to paly with MIDIBOX

and have a small problem

i have a 4x20 LCD

it works almost perfect

but row 3 and 6 start printing on column 5

so i was wondering if it could be that i maby have switch 2 wires

or is it just my display that is strange ?

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Row 3 & 6? ... ? ;D

Look up in your main.asm. You´ll find a little table where you can adjust the offsets of all possible LCDs. High chances that there´s still the offsets for let´s say a 4x16 display in there.

Greetz! :)

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There should be some manufacturer on there. Just email them and ask for it. In 70% of all cases, they can give you what you need or at least give you some hint.

People here can also only look on google, you know...


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There is a thread in a car-mp3 forum with a non-standard pinout that looks promising:


No idea if that will work or burst into flames.......Also know I found a thread in a different forum (in spanish!) that -looks like- one guy is telling another that he needs an inverter.....so yours might be an extended temp range model....complete explanation on extemp LCDs is in the wiki.

BTW you can find 4x40, 4x20, and 4x16 displays from various different manufacturers.....with this same part number......making a datasheet search more like a waste of time.

There are thousands of companies in China making character LCDs, cloning each other's designs furiously.



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from the doc's on the lcd function page 

i thought the lcd line arrangement was like this

//sets the text cursor on LCD screen

// 0x00-0x3f: first line

/// 0x40-0x7f: second line

// 0x80-0xbf: third line

// 0xc0-0xff: fourth line

after experimenting a little i have no clue what is going on here

made a littel simple program to test where the display was displaying

the test program

void DIN_NotifyToggle(unsigned char pin, unsigned char pin_value) __wparam


  if(pin_value == 1)




    case 0 :








void displayTest(unsigned int val)







  MIOS_LCD_PrintCString("test string to g");

return ;


the result from the test

16 dec line 3

40 dec line 2

46 dec line 2

80 dec line 4

104 - 111 dec line 1

120 - 128 dec  line 1

148 - 155 dec line 2

164 - 172 dec line 2

188 dec line 4

212 - 219 dec line 1

104 - 111 menas that "the test string to g" starts at column 1 on line x

dont know if my display is a little strange or what 

but i think i can remember when i bought the display about 8 years ago

there was somthing about that something had to be fliped, switched, reversed or negated to get it to work as an standard HD44780

or it was just me that was drunk ?

am using MIOS 1,8 and sdcc_skeleton_v1_0d

and programming in C

hope sombody has some idea what is going on here




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have tryed many times an have not found any

the only thing i have about it is

on the pcb  MDL-16465



94VO or 94V0

on one of the chips there is a sticke



it is a 4x16

there is 4 chips on it

3 x HD44100FS

1 x HD44780A00

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LiFo: you are mixing decimal with hexadecimal numbers.

According to the documentation: http://www.ucapps.de/mios_fun.html#MIOS_LCD_YAddressSet, a 4x20 display needs following offsets:

  MIOS_LCD_YAddressSet(0x00, 0x40, 0x14, 0x54);

this function call can be inserted into the Init() hook.

Thereafter you can access the display lines with:

  MIOS_LCD_CursorSet(0x00 + <column>); // for the first line

  MIOS_LCD_CursorSet(0x40 + <column>); // for the second line

  MIOS_LCD_CursorSet(0x80 + <column>); // for the third line

  MIOS_LCD_CursorSet(0xc0 + <column>); // for the fourth line

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thorsten thanks for pointing me in the right direction

i have just started to play with MIOS and had not seen the documentation under the

MIOS_LCD_YAddressSet section

just the under the MIOS_LCD_CursorSet

MIOS_LCD_YAddressSet(0x00, 0x40, 0x10, 0x50);

solved my problem as i have a 4x16 LCD 

regarding wiring i made the same wiring as on  http://www.midibox.org/users/jim_henry/building_a_midibox_lcd_cable.pdf

again Thanks

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Ive finaly got hold of a data sheet for the SN102 94V0.

The pinning is standard. (the same as the wiring diagram on the lcd page)

i'm not sure why i cound'nt get it to work though. hopefully i'll get my new pic's soon and i can get it working.

If any one wants a copy of the data sheet i will email it to them.

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