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Ableton Live, buttons trigering loops with led's?


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the whole MIDI feedback making an LED glow

You Live guys should be thankful that this works. ;)

In the Steinberg apps, they only send output messages if the parameters are changed from within the computer. Pretty much ruins generic remote control for DIY types unless we run an emu mode. If there are any Cubasers here that are bothered by that, it might help to drop them a line while they're busy making tweaks for the version4's.

George (sorry for the topic change :-\) 

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Wow awesome, I would like to implement this on my controller.

Rowan could you explain how you have implemented the -MIDINoteFeedback hack??

That article about follow actions doesnt tell me much.


impliment the hack

then run mios studio or whatever and see what happens

it's really simple, once you turn it on every thing you do in ableton is transmitted (as long as you have the remote stuff setup correctly in ableton).

have a play and you'll work it out real quick ;)

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