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The making of a Traktor 3 controller


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You don't **** around do you?  ;D

Hey Wise, good job. I`m glad you chose midibox over the girls.

Who said that you can't do both?  ;D But now my holiday is over so we'll see how much time I have to work on the project.

I see you have pretty much wire jumpers. Couldn`t you awoid it? It`s not it`s looks bad, they are pain in the ass to solder. I really like interconnection cables... very nice. I usually use hot melted glue for that which ig good but looks so unprofessional.Your are just great.

It's very hard to route a single layer PCB with all the shiftrgisters, buttons, leds etc without having to place a few wire jumpers if you are planing to etch it yourself. Yepp, they are a pain in the hole to solder... Thanks fore your comment on the interconnection cables, they fit perfectly on my modified SIL headers :)

How things are going with the panel? any changes from the previous design? I usually change so many things if project took longer times. Maybe you could contact MTE (Traktorizer), and integrate some of his features. He is using some cool craphic displays, and I see you have a plenty of room for them.

Glad you`re back, mate. ;)

Nothing much have changed on the frontpanel, not fabricated yet. I have seen those Nokia LCD MTE uses, looks cool. Maybe I can implement one LCD for each FX section on the front, I think that there is enough room to place them next to the FX PCB's. Have to look into that soon.

I love your wiring....its very very clean made.....cant await to see some updates of your baby

Best Regards

Thanks  8) I think I saw you had a grouporder for the nokia displays in the german part of the forum? I can't speak german, so it's just a guess, but have you any spare LCD's over? Maybe I'm interested of 3 displays.

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  • 2 months later...

Long time no PCB...

Made one this weekend. One more (the last) FX board. Nothing new apart from that this time I used a chemical tin on the PCB. Really good stuff, seach for 529338 at Conrad. This prevents the copper to oxidate. I'm happy with the results.

Obligatory pictures:



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Long time... I wanted to ash here what is happening with it, but I forgot who you are and the name of this thread.  ;D

That PCB looks really nice. I`must check that chemical tin. Never heard of that.

I just solder last night these pin heathers your way which was a problem for me before as I have got no idea how to do it properly, so I was soldering it as it is, but bit angled. Your solution is good and simple.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

This project is like Bambi on ice, slowly moving forward. It's been in idle now for some month because /)%(%¤"(/¤ Vi*ta is not letting me use my CAD software. So right now i'm making some backups prior a XP install..

Your local glazier shop should have or point out for you where to look for the acrylic rod. I have abandoned the rod and got my plastic caps lasercutted instead.

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  • 2 years later...

I know, I know, old thread.. But please, don't kill me ;)

I would just like to know how it went on with this project.

Would be really nice to see if it ever got completed, or if it's still in the making.. I hope it's not thrown away into some dusty corner ;)

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Ehum...yeah..this is kind of embarrassing...

Well, the project has stand still from my last post. The good news is that it's not in the bin. I see various bits of it lying around in my hobbyroom every day.

Actually it is not so much left to do. A couple of pcb's to draw, frontpanel have to be made and some programming.

Hopefully I can get some time and motivation to finnish the project this summer.

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Wow ok, that is great news mate =)

I've watched this topic since.. well since a long time back ;) and I would really like to see you finish this.

Of course, there are lots of other projects that look awesome aswell, but I really like this one =)

I hope we all can give you some inspiration somehow to get you to finish it =)

Så sätt igång och känn dig inspirerad! ;)

** Edit, I've followed this topic quite some time, even though I only registered yesterday.

Just to make that clear, so anyone dont think I just found this and brought it up to the surface from the archives ;)

Edited by toffie
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