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Pot connected, but not sending any midi data


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OK, I am testing my AIN module, and as far as I can see I have the parts all hooked up OK:


core RC > ain A

core SC > ain B

core SI  > ain c

Core J5a > ain J5, via ribbon cable and connectors


AIN J7  - Power and Ground

J1, pin A1: connected to pot center pin

J1, Pins A2-A7 connected to ground

J2 - J4 All inputs connected to Ground, VD not connected to anything

POT power Pins , connected to Vs and Vd.

When I start the system, I get the single expected Sysex message from the core, and my LCD displays the copyright, followed by:

Line 1 of LCD: [INT] N (8 solid boxes)
Line 2 of LCD: Reverb # 1      64(solid box)

Checking the voltage on the pot between the ain pin and the power pin, It sweeps between 0 and 4.98 Volts, as expected.

If I release the Ground from the inputs, I get the expected flood of messages from the core.

The Problem:

MidiOX sees no Midi signals coming from the pot at all.

I've been testing for the past 4 hours, but haven't found my mistake yet. Any ideas?

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No, I haven't. Do I have to customize the app at all just for testing, or is it OK to upload it bone-stock as is?

EDIT: Reloaded App, and I am trying stuff in MIOS studio. Apparently I can Send messages to the LCD, as the "Clear Screen" message does just that, and I can type stuff into the LCD and send it to the display. I'm pretty sure the core is good. I guess I could test a pot directly on the core, couldn't I?

Pot is still nonfunctional, and I have tried 2 different post (a linear slide pot and a linear rotary, both 10K ohm.

One other thing - on line 1, the first black box (after the "N") blinks.

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OK, there must be a prob with the ain, 'cause I got things working direct to the core. I used the core Vs J9, and just wired the pot to J5a directly and now I get "chorus" and the numbers do what I expect them too.

Is it possible to put the multiplexer 4051's in backwards? All my soldering is clean as a whistle, with nice clean volcanos everywhere. The thought that I might have installed the plexers the wrong-way-round just occurred to me. The chip text faces the same way as the "4051" on Smash's 3-d renderings, which is the reference I used when I plugged them in.

Smash, is the following on AIN page a slight typo, or did I miss the boat on this entirely?




Are those AIN J5's really supposed to be AIN J6's? Because otherwise, I REALLY don't understand what to wire here....  :-[

PS - anyone thinking of NOT putting an LCD in - put one in anyway! One, it is very cool to see stuff move about as you fiddle with the controls, and two it's an invaluable troubleshooting aid.

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Don't worry about the direction of the text, that can vary ... The way the chip alignment is done is by designating Pin 1. This is done either with a 'dot' painted/etched on the top of the chip, or with a notch in the end of the IC.


---- ----

1 -| \/ |-

-| |-



1   -| o   |-

-| |-

The sockets usually have the notch in the end too... Hope this helps....

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Smash, is the following on AIN page a slight typo, or did I miss the boat on this entirely?




Are those AIN J5's really supposed to be AIN J6's? Because otherwise, I REALLY don't understand what to wire here....  :-[

Yes, that -was- an error (corrected now).....hehe "slight typo", did'nt know there was such a thing.... ;)

Sorry for the basic question here: are you getting good 5v and ground when tested at the 4051 sockets?



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Haven't checked, but probably. I will multimeter that later today and report back.

edit, yes - more or less - 4.97v on all 4. Perhaps my ABC wire is bad...Is the multiplex the default option in the stock mb645 app?

EDIT 2: Well, that was anti-climatic!

Newbie Tip - Don't assume that new wires don't have breaks in them. My "A B C" wires weren't carrying any signal :(

I soldered up some new connectors, and I am now golden, it looks like. Both AINs test fine now.

Also, on the 4051's - if you put them in backwards, the LCD will not light (probably not the best way to check the placement, but there it is!)

Now onto testing the DINs....

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