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(not) a different midi instrument


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Thanks man :) It's very easy... Click this link: http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=clearmind

It will say "this page does not exist yet...." Click 'Create this page', and you can edit it as you go.

The way the wiki works, is that you just make a hyperlink to a page, and if it doesn't exist, then you can click 'Create this page' :)

Hope this helps!

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i have been playing with my new midibox for two days and there is something wrong with its buttons,

i can not have the responses that i expect from them, for example when trying to play 16th notes in a tempo like 110, it sometimes skips one or two, which can be very very dangerous on stage,

why can this be happening ?

is this the problem of all midiboxes, or only midibox plus ???

or can this be a problem of for example bad soldering, bad cabling or something like that

the midibox-like thing that i built previously (which had a pic16f84 and only had 10 buttons) did not have this kind of a problem and i built it with these buttons so i know that it isn't a button related problem

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I think that with the MIDIbox Plus it's likely that this happens, because buttons are handled with a very low priority. It requires different programming strategies in order to overcome this.

Today with MIOS this isn't a problem anymore, since buttons are scanned interrupt driven with an update period of 1 mS (by default)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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thank you very much for your quick answer

i decided to give a break about  this midibox madness for at least a month (but it was today when i saw a doorbell and thought that it could be a great button for my next midibox :) ) , but this answer makes me think that there won't be such a break so i must start to find a good case for my forthcoming midibox64e which i am planning to change banks with a rotary encoder

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  • 2 weeks later...

Midibox addiction: Better for you than drugs, but often as expensive  ;D

Your box kicks ass by the way, I'd not thought of using arcade buttons for a 'box before but thinking about it they'd be great for live use - large, relatively cheap and nearly indestructible.

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Along those lines (perhaps this should be a hardware section link):

check out Happ controls. They do everything for video games and arcades. Those big buttons are cheap. They also have a lot of other styles including large illuminated buttons such as these:



heh.. this would be a huge but incredibly cool pitch bender:


Ohh.. absolutely do NOT buy pots from them. They are WAY over priced.

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therezin; yeah i guess its better than drugs :))))

last friday i had my first serious live performance and used this box

first of all it was so cool that everybody wanted to check it out :)

but it had some bad sides too,

first ( and the most important) of all the latency issue of the buttons; since the instrument is about the buttons this can drive you crazy sometimes.

and another issue; i understood that remembering what was what will always be my problem on stage, and 8 buttons aren't enough for the way that i planned for performing. While i got too upset about this situation ( too tired and scared to build a new midibox with 16 rotary enc and 32 buttons ) i found the second best solution for my problem


This my friends is a usb keyboard which you can just lay on your usual usb Midi keyboard ( if you have space) or anywhere

and with a software called Controller Mate  you will be able to assign it to ANYTHING (literally)!!!!! this gives me extra LOTS of buttons which can be assigned to ANYTHING

and the buttons are so great that it had a picture which you spill coffee on the keyboard,  i hope it will save my life on my next performance

the buttons are made of something like RUBBER so it gives the feel of a sampler (of course with smaller buttons hehe)

i will try to  send some more information and pictures also as soon as the universal binary of the program is out ecause right now i can not try my setup the way i want, i can only assign buttons as it is my normal keyboard ( with the program i will be able to assign for example "Command Button +7"  to F1 button of the usb keyboard

the web site about the arcade buttons is fantastic but the prices are too high i guess, i bought my buttons for 1$ each

but the illuminated ones are great :)))

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Yeah, Happ does a really good job of gouging the gaming industry.. but when reliable distributors for those parts are few and far between... 

Those flex keyboards are great. You can even stand on them and expect them to still work when you step off of it.

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here is a fellow midi box to clearmind's box, we built the midiboxes at the same time, mine has more knobs as you can see ;D

this box is a street fighter edition too 8)

its a midibox plus, with 14 knobs and 6 buttons. I have put the lcd at first but it didnt work properly so i took it off.





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