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'running led'/rgb leds for steps


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i've a few questions:

is it possible to have something like a 'running led' kind of thing for the 16 steps in the sequence? or is this already part of the mbseq..

also: i have this utopian dream of having 16 bicolor or rgb leds for the steps, like, one color for the step that's playing at the moment, one color for an 'activated' (non-muted) step. is this possible? if i'm informed right it doesn't 'come with the package', does it? how hard to implement will this be?


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Sorry man I'd love to help out but in all honesty I can't be bothered trying to figure it out because I'm going to be doing it with the vX in a short while... TK's code is well commented and if you're keen enough you'd be able to do it, and hey if you screw up then just upload the app again ;)

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heh.. yeah no problem :)

i think i'd be glad if i got a working standard mbseq done, and maybe then i'll think about putting it in. i have some friends who are good with code, so if i decide to do it, i can probably get someone to fix the stuff i did wrong..

btw.. will this vx be just another os for the current seq config (as fas as panel layout goes) or will it be something totally different.. i read some about it and it sounds rather promising. :)

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Definitely get the standard one done. You shouldn't have to change the panel in order to add the extra LED's. I'm going to make a version of the vX that will run on the standard seq panel layout, but it's not a really high priority, just a way for people with an MBSeq to try it out and see if they want to build one. The idea is to have a button grid, something like the Doepfer Schaltwerk http://www.doepfer.de/sw.jpg . There's more info at http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=midibox_sequencer_vx#user_interface


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A "running LED feature" is already available, the step position will just be XORed with the LED information which is currently displayed (e.g. gates, mutes, selected pattern, etc...).

The code can be found in seq_led.inc, SEQ_LED_UpdateIRQ

It looks complicated because of the possible variations (e.g. 4 LED lines instead of 1), but when you are searching for "if sequencer is running XOR position to GP pattern" you will find the code which is doing this job.

For multicolour LEDs, you just need to replace this XOR operation by code which outputs the position on two alternative DOUT shift registers instead.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Yep it's not too hard. Joe, if you want to learn some ASM, I am positive that you could learn enough to do this long before the vX is ready. All you have to do it put multicolour LED's in the standard seq, and leave the 3rd leg free. When you've learned enough ASM just connect those legs to another DOUT and write the code as explained by TK :)

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hmm.. seems do-able then ;) i think i'll go and try it, but i have lots of bigger problems atm, like getting my seq to work.

i finished my panel layout on some metal board, hooked up everything, but when i power it up it seems to be completely dead..

not a matter for this thread though, i'll open up a new thread for this..  :'(

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Stryd, two things I noticed in this page:

(1) 8 rows of 12 columns?  Do you mean 16 columns?

(2) PIC16F88 in line with TK's prototypes?  I searched the whole Wiki and Forums for '16F88' and didn't see anything.  From Microchip's site that looks like a less-capable PIC than the 18F452.

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2) the 16F88 is used as an IIC slave to the PIC18F4620. The 4620 is the core and that passes midi messages over the IIC buss (normally used for banksticks) and then the 16F88 sends MIDI out. You can find more info on that at the wiki or ucapps pages for the modules.

1) Well the idea of 8x12 is that you get 8 steps from 12 tracks or semitones available. 12 semitones to an octave is why I chose 12... I guess you could have 16 if you wanted to...

Edit: I've put charts on the wiki page to explain what I mean. Hope that helps :)

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